

termed 双语例句

1. termed

1. Human pituitary tumor transforming gene, also termed as Securin, is a key molecular of mitotic spindle checkpoint pathway.

2. Those with a random distribution of configuration are termed atactic.

3. This occurrence has been not unjustly termed the culminating point of Humanism.

4. Some times, the entire digested yeast with the cell wall fraction is dried without separation and the product is termed an autolysate which food processors find use in certain specific applications.


5. To most of us, faeces (variously termed dung, droppings, manure, scats or spraints) are not something that we would consider as a potential food.

6. These sugars are termed ketoses.

7. A member of a slightly taller group is termed pygmoid.
    稍微高一点的团体被称为 pygmoid 。

8. The physician, as he had a fair right to be termed, next bestowed his attention on the mother.

9. termed是什么意思

9. Only when a system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that associ ate the water within it with the hydrologic cycle may the entire system pro perly be termed hydrogeologic.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. Subtype C is termed folie communiquée.

11. For this reason, a short instantaneous echo, termed side tone.

12. This process of adding more than one affix to a free morpheme is termed complex derivation.

13. termed什么意思

13. For ionic materials a net motion of charged ions is possible that produces a current; such is termed ionic conduction.

14. The entity was then what would be termed in the present in some organizations as a Sister Superior, as an Officer, as it were, in those of the Essenes and their preparations.


15. According to the mathematical models for flank and flute of new drill (drill point termed the non coaxial helical drill point), formulae for cutting angles of the cutting lip and chisel edge and for heel clearance angle are deduced based on their defintions.
      根据钻头主刃和横刃上各种工作角度及后刀面尾隙角的定义,由新型钻尖的后刀面模型和前刀面模型推导出了各种角度的公式,为利用软件进行新型钻尖的 CAD系统开发提供了基

16. It is sometimes termed the velum.

17. For each of such loosely bond electrons, there exists a single energy level, or energy state, which is located within the forbidden band gap just below the bottom of the conduction band and termed donor state.

18. termed

18. Any stones which the players agree could not escape capture if the game continued, but which have not yet been captured and removed, are termed dead stones.

19. Could he, for an instant, have supposed that, i n my admonisher at Eton -- in the destroyer of my honor at Oxford, -- in him w ho thwarted my ambition at Rome, my revenge at Paris, my passionate love at Na ples, or what he falsely termed my avarice in Egypt, -- that in this, my arch- enemy and evil genius, could fall to recognise the William Wilson of my school boy days, -- the namesake, the companion, the rival, -- the hated and dreaded rival at Dr. Bransby''s? Impossible!


20. South Korea will restrict advertising for junk food, sweets and fizzy drinks to curb what one official termed an obesity epidemic among teenagers.

termed 单语例句

1. Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga termed the blast an act of terrorism.

2. Through what he termed a " feedback loop " solutions can be found, he added.

3. The city also needs to clear blockages in what he termed " capillary vessels ".

4. But campaigners against the war said Campbell was the first major political casualty of what they termed an illegal and unnecessary conflict.

5. John King Fairbank added another factor to why the Chinese complacency in the face of marauding border tribes which he termed " culturalism ".

6. Offerings comprise Cantonese and Shandong styles, as well as what is termed " private cuisine ".

7. It is the first product from what is termed the " Orient Hollywood, " a conglomerate of four sites for on location shooting of films and television dramas.

8. This might be termed perfect counterpoint from the point of view of music programming.

9. Girls who have this dismissive attitude are termed " steel slabs ".

10. Legislator Huang Liman termed the introduction of a small claims arrangement a major step of systematic innovation by the draft amendment.

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