1. 压痛:2.压痛(tenderness) 乳房的某一区域压痛提示其下有炎症存在. 月经期乳房亦较 敏感,而恶性病变则甚少出现压痛. 3.包块(masses) 如有包块存在应注意下列特征. (1)部位(.10catiort):必须指明包块的确切部位. 一般包块的定位方法是以乳头为中 心,
2. 嫩度:肉品嫩度(Tenderness)是肉的主要食用品质之一,它是消费者评判肉质优劣的最常用指标. 肉品嫩度是指肉在食用时口感的老嫩,反映了肉的质地(texture),由肌肉中各种蛋白质结构特性决定[1]. 由肌肉转变为可食性肉,到最后的嫩化成熟是一个复杂过程.
3. 触痛:5、能找出SIJ上的硬块(stiffness)和触痛(tenderness),将髂骨向多方向矫正,是最佳治病的捷径. 6、矫正SIJ和腰椎,对治疗骨盆功能失调有很大的临床成就. 7、移位或活动受限都是决定骨盆功能失调的主因.
1. a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling
2. a feeling of concern for the welfare of someone (especially someone defenseless)
Synonym: softheartedness
3. a positive feeling of liking
e.g. he had trouble expressing the affection he felt
the child won everyone''s heart
the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home
Synonym: affectionaffectionatenessfondnessheartwarmnesswarmheartednessphilia
4. warm compassionate feelings
Synonym: tenderheartedness
5. a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched)
e.g. the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness
after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on