1. 同义字:笔者参加多次测验后,发觉题型一直在变化,就以阅读里字汇的考法,除了同义字(synonym)、片语(phrase)及代名词(pronoun)传统的考题之外,现在又出现「解释或定义题」及反义字(antonym).
2. danci.911cha.com
2. 同义资料表:固定长度 (char) 或可变长度 (varchar) 字元资料型别. 长度为 n 个字元之固定长度非 Unicode 字元资料. n 必须介於 1 至 8,000,储存大小为 n 个位元组. char 的 SQL-92 同义资料表 (Synonym) 为 character.
1. 同义词
A synonym is a word or expression which means the same as another word or expression.
e.g. The term ''industrial democracy'' is often used as a synonym for worker participation.
1. two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context
Synonym: equivalent word