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1. 象徵作用:在无意识深层活动的各种过程与一般的正常思维过程是全然不同的,梦的工作就是一个最好的例证. 此外,梦的工作还显示出大室古代的特征,如借助于象征作用(symbolism)--这里主要指性的方面,这在别的精神领域中可能也已经发现了.
2. 象徵派:波特莱尔是颓废派(Decadents)主要代表,同时他也是象征派(Symbolism)的先驱者,这是不可讳后,受当时人士猛烈攻击和非难. 实际这部作品的内容实在太深刻了. 所以雨果(Victor Hugo)致函于不像庞德(Ezra Pound)的地狱是一种近乎卖弄,
1. 象征手法;象征主义
Symbolism is the use of symbols in order to represent something.
e.g. The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect.
e.g. ...a film much praised at the time for its visual symbolism.
2. 象征意义;象征
You can refer to the symbolism of an event or action when it seems to show something important about a situation.
e.g. The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit.
1. the practice of investing things with symbolic meaning
Synonym: symbolizationsymbolisation
2. a system of symbols and symbolic representations
3. an artistic movement in the late 19th century that tried to express abstract or mystical ideas through the symbolic use of images