
swipe [swaɪp]  [swaɪp] 


swipe 基本解释

名词重击; 尖锐的评论; 柄,握杆

及物动词重击; 刷(磁卡); 偷窃


swipe 网络解释

1. swipe什么意思

1. 横扫:3个技能(重殴,横扫,割伤)的仇恨分析 横扫(Swipe)正确的伤害公式是84+AP/15 计算7.5秒(3次重欧5次横扫/割伤)内各技能仇恨,只计算基础仇恨,130%/145%仇恨系数省...

2. 猛挥杆:Swinging set 挥杆动作的中间 | Swipe 猛挥杆 | Take back 向后拉杆、开始上杆

3. 强打:swink 辛劳 | swipe 强打 | swipes 低级啤酒

4. 用力挥击:swink 辛苦一番 | swipe 用力挥击 | swipethwacktonk 强打

swipe 词典解释

1. 挥起(棍棒等)击打
    If you swipe at a person or thing, you try to hit them with a stick or other object, making a swinging movement with your arm.

    e.g. She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly...
    e.g. He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker.

2. 偷窃
    If you swipe something, you steal it quickly.

    e.g. Five soldiers were each fined £140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist...
           5 名士兵因偷窃一名残疾人游客的轮椅而每人被罚款 140 英镑。
    e.g. Everywhere I went, people kept trying to swipe my copy of The New York Times.

3. (通常指间接的)批评,抨击
    If you take a swipe at a person or an organization, you criticize them, usually in an indirect way.


    e.g. Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people''s homes...
    e.g. In a swipe at the president, he called for an end to ''begging for aid around the world''.

4. 刷(信用卡等)
    If you swipe a credit card or swipe card through a machine, you pass it through a narrow space in the machine so that the machine can read information on the card''s magnetic strip.

    e.g. Swipe your card through the phone, then dial.

swipe 英英释义


1. a sweeping stroke or blow


1. strike with a swiping motion

2. make off with belongings of others

    Synonym: pilfercabbagepurloinpinchabstractsnarfhooksneakfilchnobblelift

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