
survive [səˈvaɪv]  [sərˈvaɪv] 


survive 基本解释


及物动词幸存; 比…活得长,经历…之后还存在

及物/不及物动词幸免于难; 挺过; 艰难度过

survive 相关例句


1. survive是什么意思

1. The house survived the storm.

2. She survived her husband by twenty years.


3. I hope l shall never survive my usefulness.

4. survive

4. He survived his wife for many years.


1. Few survived after the flood.

survive 网络解释

1. 存活:如果说一年级学生的主要任务是上课,作业,考试,和 存活(survive), 二年级学生要培养的最主要的技能则是评论性(或挑战性)文献阅读(critical reading). 这是一个学生从上课到自己从事开创性研究的关键技能.

2. survive

2. 幸存:我听了,却只觉得怒火直冒:连苟延残喘都不能,幸存(survive)都不能,何言事奉(serve)!忠心耿耿竟得到如此下场,往后谁还敢事奉神?从我认识温老师,几年来都在为晓华求神医治,你能!但你不!现在变本加厉,雪上加霜. 他的太太、长女,

3. 活:如果说一年级学生的主要任务是上课,作业,考试,和存活(Survive),二年级学生要培养的最主要的技能则是评论性(或挑战性)文献阅读(CriticalReading). 这是一个学生从上课到自己从事开创性研究的关键技能.

survive 词典解释

1. 生存;存活;幸存
    If a person or living thing survives in a dangerous situation such as an accident or an illness, they do not die.

    e.g. ...the sequence of events that left the eight pupils battling to survive in icy seas for over four hours...
           致使这 8 个小学生在冰冷的海水里挣扎求生四个多小时的一连串事件
    e.g. Those organisms that are most suited to the environment will be those that will survive...

2. 挺过;艰难度过
    If you survive in difficult circumstances, you manage to live or continue in spite of them and do not let them affect you very much.

    e.g. On my first day here I thought, ''Ooh, how will I survive?''
    e.g. ...people who are struggling to survive without jobs...

3. 幸存;幸免于难;留存
    If something survives, it continues to exist even after being in a dangerous situation or existing for a long time.

    e.g. When the market economy is introduced, many factories will not survive...
    e.g. The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim.

4. 比…活得久;比…长寿
    If you survive someone, you continue to live after they have died.


    e.g. Most women will survive their spouses...
    e.g. She is survived by two daughters from her first marriage.

survive 英英释义


1. support oneself

    e.g. he could barely exist on such a low wage
           Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?
           Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day

    Synonym: existlivesubsist

2. continue to live through hardship or adversity

    e.g. We went without water and food for 3 days
           These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America
           The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents
           how long can a person last without food and water?

    Synonym: lastlivelive ongoendurehold uphold out

3. live longer than

    e.g. She outlived her husband by many years

    Synonym: outliveoutlast

4. continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.)

    e.g. He survived the cancer against all odds

    Synonym: pull throughpull roundcome throughmake it

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