
sub [sʌb]  [sʌb] 


sub 基本解释


名词潜水艇; 代用品,代替者,替补队员; 地铁; 审校员

不及物动词做替身,做替补队员; 做替身,审校(文稿)

sub 相关例句


1. Liverpool brought on their sub at half-time.

sub 网络解释

1. 副:输入6V至76V大功率驱动恒流驱动 规格书LTC3208 高电流软件可配置型多显示屏 LED 控制器1x/1.5x/2x 充电泵可提供高达 95% 的效率;高达 1A 的总输出电流;17 个电流源可用作主 (MAIN)、副 (SUB)、RGB、相机 (CAM) 和辅助 (AUX) LED 驱动器;

2. 低音:硕美科E96线控操共有6项调节功能:前置(FRONT)、中置(CENTER)、后置(REAR)、低音(SUB)四个音量旋钮、总音量调节开关和麦克风开关. 硕美科E96采用标准USB接口连接电脑. E96采用直径40mm的驱动单元,能给使用者带来震撼低频和逼真的现场感.

3. 减法指令:这个文件作为完成进一步优化的代码生成器(Code generator)的输入,最终生成汇编文件(.asm). 当选择编译选项时,-o2和-o3将尽可能地优化软件. ①装载指令(LDW)必须使用.D单元. ③加法指令(ADD)使用.L单元. ④减法指令(SUB)使用.S单元.

4. 减法:1、 和好(ADD),做差(SUB)的演算处理表示. ●加在一起算(ADD),减法(SUB)的价值到表示范围演算 AS-5 0~±99.99 AS-5S ±99.999●复位A频道B频道同时在动作(单独的复位不可能)

5. sub在线翻译

5. sub:subtraction; 配合减影

6. sub:supplementary unemployment benefit; 辅助失业救济金

7. sub:sudanese olympic committee; 苏丹奥林匹克委员会

8. sub:subtration; 减法

sub 词典解释

1. 替补队员
    In team games such as football, a sub is a player who is brought into a match to replace another player.

    e.g. We had a few injuries and had to use youth team kids as subs.

2. 同 submarine
    A sub is the same as a submarine .

3. (向俱乐部、协会缴纳的)会员费
    A fixed amount of money that you pay regularly in order to be a member of a club or society is called your subs .

    e.g. Subs will be raised as from next year.

sub 英英释义


1. a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes

    Synonym: submarinepigboatU-boat

2. a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments)
    different names are used in different sections of the United States

    Synonym: bombergrinderherohero sandwichhoagiehoagyCuban sandwichItalian sandwichpoor boysubmarinesubmarine sandwichtorpedowedgezep


1. be a substitute

    e.g. The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague
           The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet

    Synonym: substitutestand infill in

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