
stylish [ˈstaɪlɪʃ]  [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] 

比较级:more stylish最高级:most stylish

stylish 基本解释

形容词时髦的,流行的,入时的; 现代风格的; 漂亮的

stylish 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. He is a stylish dresser.

stylish 情景对话


A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show.

B:You’re going to a fashion show?

A:Yes. Would you like to come along? I have never seen a fashion show before!

B:Really? I’d love to! I’ve never seen a fashion show before!

A:Ok, you can come along, but only if you help me find something trendy to wear. I don’t want to look stupid in front of all those stylish people.

B:I don’t think you’ll look stupid. You always look stylish to me.

A:That’s sweet. Now, what do you think about this pink and orange striped suit?


B:Isn’t that a bit too flashy?

A:Ok, how about this chocolate brown suit with a yellow tie?

B:That’s Ok, but it remains me a bit of my grandpa.

A:What if I wore this black shirt with the suit?


B:That would look better, but what about the tie?

A:You’re right. The yellow one isn’t quite right.

B:How about the brown suit with this T-shirt and no tie?
      那么,穿棕色的外套配T 恤衫不打领带怎么样?

A:That’s perfect. Now, what are you going to wear?


B:I don’t know. You’re going to have to help me find something to wear now!

stylish 网络解释

1. 时髦:引导产业发展趋势,引领个性娱乐潮流,BenQ 13.3吋高端商务靓本Joybook X31凭借轻薄(Slim)、睿智(Smart)、时髦(Stylish)的特质,在高手如云的笔电赛场上独领风骚,将再创13.3吋笔电经典.

2. 时髦的:stringent 严厉的 | stylish 时髦的 | superficial 表面现象的

3. 式样新颖的:式样美观Fair in Style | 式样新颖的Stylish | 事故Accident

stylish 词典解释

1. 有风度的;时尚的;有格调的;优雅的
    Someone or something that is stylish is smart, elegant, and fashionable.


    e.g. ...a very attractive and very stylish woman of 27.
           气质迷人、格调高雅的 27 岁女子
    e.g. ...a varied choice of stylish designs.

...stylishly dressed middle-aged women.
...a thoroughly modern Italian stylishness.

stylish 英英释义


1. being or in accordance with current social fashions

    e.g. fashionable clothing
           the fashionable side of town
           a fashionable cafe

    Synonym: fashionable

2. having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress

    e.g. a little less posh but every bit as stylish as Lord Peter Wimsey
           the stylish resort of Gstadd

    Synonym: fashionable

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