1. That put a stopper on the rumour.
1. 塞:开酒后,酒侍会暂停用酒塞(STOPPER)盖住酒,有时还会先倒入水晶醒酒瓶醒酒,真正讲究的品酒,小道具可是相当多而精致呢!由于品酒时所有的器皿都要和餐厅保持一致的美感,点高级酒时,置放的银篮俨然自成桌上一景,酒塞式样也相当多变华丽,
2. 停止器:PCB对针嘴的间距,或停止器(stopper)的高度,控制胶点的高度(图四). 它必须适合于滴胶量和针嘴ID. 对给定的胶量,胶点高度对宽度的比率将随着停止器的高度而增加. 通常,最大的停止器高度是针嘴ID的一半;超过这个点,将发生不连续滴胶和拉线.
3. stopper在线翻译
3. 栓:而是由近于无色的藻丝纵横交织着,其伸出体表的藻丝顶端呈棒状或柱状膨大形成胞囊,排列而构成体表. 胞囊顶端聚集着大量的色素体,基部并与2条至数条细胞丝相连,以延向远端的胞囊. 存在于胞囊基部厚的环状体部称为胞囊栓(stopper).
1. 塞子;瓶塞;栓
A stopper is a piece of glass, plastic, or cork that fits into the top of a bottle or jar to close it.
e.g. ...a bottle of colourless liquid sealed with a cork stopper.
1. blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly
2. (bridge) a playing card with a value sufficiently high to insure taking a trick in a particular suit
e.g. if my partner has a spade stopper I can bid no trump
3. a remark to which there is no polite conversational reply
Synonym: conversation stopper
4. an act so striking or impressive that the show must be delayed until the audience quiets down
Synonym: show-stoppershowstopper
1. close or secure with or as if with a stopper
e.g. She stoppered the wine bottle
The mothers stoppered their babies'' mouths with pacifiers
Synonym: stopple