1. 股票交易所:1971年,NASDA在自己对区域交易多年报价的基础上建立全国性的NASDAQ股票交易所(stock exchange). 第一个交易日的上市公司有2500多家,表面上是为那些不具备上市标准的企业提供一个交易平台,实际上除了OTC市场的企业之外,
2. 证券交易所:•证券交易所(Stock Exchange)是由证券管理部门批准的,为证券的集中交易提供固定场所和有关设施,并制定各项规则以形成公正合理的价格和有条不紊的秩序的正式组织.
3. 股票交易:它适用于拍卖(auction)、股票交易(stock exchange)、纸牌游戏(card games)和固定资产交易(real estate transactions),在某些情况下可以理解为''投标''. 哄抬标价(bidding up)为违法行为.
4. 交易所:ustment),有的银行还经营金融市场(financial market)、证券交易所(stock exchange),用信用卡结算时,由银行扣除(deduct). 四个选项中,你会找到加拿大这个国家. 做对这道题的前提是你知道多伦多(Toronto)是加拿大一个港市. ?
1. 证券(或股票)交易所;证券(或股票)市场;证券(或股票)交易业务
A stock exchange is a place where people buy and sell stocks and shares. The stock exchange is also the trading activity that goes on there and the trading organization itself.
e.g. The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.
e.g. ...the New York Stock Exchange.
1. an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers
Synonym: stock marketsecurities market