
steady down

steady down 双语例句

1. The simulation showed that another new steady state of soil organic carbon could be reached after one was broken in black soil. This process included three stages: earlier stage for fast changing, middle stage for slowing down and later stage for inclining to the steady state.

2. steady down的解释

2. The Duratec proved more than sufficient to power through some of the twisties in western North Carolina, near Asheville and to maintain a steady pace going up and down the Blue Ridge Parkway.

3. That afternoon there was a party of tourists at the Terrace and looking down in the water among the empty beer cans and dead barracudas a woman saw a great long white spine with a huge tail at the end that lifted and swung with the tide while the east wind blew a heavy steady sea outside the entrance to the harbour.

4. steady down的翻译

4. That afternoon there was a part y of tourists at the Terrace and looking down in the water among the empty beer cans and dead barracudas a woman saw a great long white spine with a huge tail at the end that lifted and swung with the tide while the east wind blew a heavy steady sea outside the entrance to the harbour.

5. That afternoon there was a party of tourists at the Terrace and looking down in the water among the empty beer cans and dead barracudas a woman saw a great long white spine with a huge tail at the end that lifted and swung with the tide while the east wind blew a heavy steady sea outside the entrance to the harbor.

6. But at the present, because of chronic geomorphy disintegration, altitude and ascent of bank slope have been built down and palliated. Especial rock mass mechanics condition has not been existent, so all kinds of rock mass fracturing deformation was stopped to developing and steady.

7. Physiological reflex reflector: hands touch the upper lip baby, baby pursed lip movements appear for feeding symptoms. B sucking reflex: the nipple or small finger Add baby mouth, baby sucking movements appeared. C Holding reflection: Mr fingers touched the baby`s palm, your baby will hold onto your fingers. D embrace reflex: a positive hold the baby and child care steady his head and suddenly his head down so that your baby`s head backward dump 10-15 degrees, baby, that is, for hugging posture.
    生理反射 A觅食反射:用手轻触宝宝上唇,宝宝出现噘唇动作,作觅食状。B吸吮反射:将奶头或小手指放入宝宝口中,宝宝出现吸吮动作。C握持反射:仲出手指触及宝宝的手心,宝宝就会握住手指不放。D拥抱反射:正面抱住宝宝,托稳他的头顶,突然放低他的头部,使宝宝的头向后倾10—15度,宝宝即作拥抱姿势。

8. Pour ladle heating system: to keep the melted copper in fluide and make it flow down steady and smoothly.

9. Economically, the establishment of the system of the nationwide tax revenue made that the feudal government had steady source of revenue. Militarily, the constant fight impelled the transition from feudal knight''s system of military service to the agreement, the cavalryman to the infantry. At the political system, during the wars the king levied taxes must be permitted by parliament made it came down to establish finally as a Representative system and the foun- dation of the British political system since modern times.

10. Wu Zhe holds steady in the quake the falling down laser guider, meanwhile starts to search for the signal.

11. steady down的近义词

11. All this ensures the steady growth of book inscribing culture coming down from the late Tang dynasty, and provides the Northern Song dynasty with technicians and technical support required to print master copies and collate books.

12. steady down

12. Connect down the folio pass the steady pressing the design proceeding of the unit electric circuit of the power supply to expatiate detailedly with explain, pass the large quantity electric circuit diagram to proceeded the elucidation with writing to the work principle of the unit electric circuit, combine to introduce the MC7107 A/ D transformation machine internal composing, lead the feet function and its the basic principle that proceeding convert.
      接下来对开关稳压电源的单元电路的设计进行了详细的阐述和说明,通过大量电路图和文字对单元电路的工作原理进行了说明,并介绍了MC7107 A/D变换器的内部构成、引脚功能以及其进行转换的基本原理。

13. They will also keep your bike steady while you are driving and this will cut down on noise and other issues.

14. steady down是什么意思

14. You have to do things like wake up before noon, go to the grocery store on your own, and try to hold down a steady job.

15. Down by nearly 20 percent over the last two decades, beer drinking fell another two percent in the 2001 first quarter and there is no end in sight for the long and steady slide.

16. steady down是什么意思

16. E side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.

17. The results show that TiB2/6351 composites have the steady-state flow characteristics and belong to positive strain rate sensitized materials during hot compression deformation. At lower strain rates and higher temperatures, with the increase of strain, the flow stress increases to peak value and then falls down, at last tends to smooth gradually. The curves express the feature of dynamic recrystallization. But at higher strain rates and lower temperatures, dynamic recovery occurs obviously. The flow stress of in-situ TiB2/6351 composites during high temperature compression deformation can be represented by Zener-Hollomon parameter including Arrhenius term.

18. In 1979 when the b-boying hype was beginning to die down, Jimmy D put Crazy Legs and Lenny Len down with Rock Steady just in time to add new life to the art form and take it to the next level.
      1979年,当b-boy的浪潮开始衰弱时,Jimmy D邀请Crazy Legs和Lenny Len加入Rock Steady,他们的加入为B-boy增添了新的活力,并将其带入了一个新的阶段。

19. 3 M: J2 I5 i! U In 1979 when the b-boying hype was beginning to die down, Jimmy D put Crazy Legs and Lenny Len down with Rock Steady just in time to add new life to the art form and take it to the next level.
      1979年,当b-boy的浪潮开始衰弱时,Jimmy D邀请Crazy Legs和Lenny Len加入Rock Steady,他们的加入为B-boy增添了新的活力,并将其带入了一个新的阶段。

20. steady down的解释

20. He caught hold of a willow tree to steady himself, but though earth and slay were spinning violently he refused to sit down.

steady down 单语例句

1. We will improve tax collection and management and crack down on tax evasion and tax fraud to ensure steady revenue growth.

2. Steady winds cool down the hot and sunny afternoons and create excellent windsurfing conditions.

3. " It will very likely not be a steady path down, " Rumsfeld said.

4. My unconditioned limbs grow numb and weigh down on my horse, which displays its Mongolian pedigree by settling into a steady gait.

5. Turkish shares also ended down, but debt prices and the lira currency held steady.

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