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start up是什么意思 start up在线翻译 start up什么意思 start up的意思 start up的翻译 start up的解释 start up的发音 start up的同义词

start up [stɑ:t ʌp]  [stɑrt ʌp] 

start up 基本解释

(使)开始运转; 开始,着手

start up

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start up 相关例句


1. A new idea started up in his mind.

start up 情景对话


A:Now that we’re about to own a house, I think we should get it covered.

B:Yes, I talked with an insurance saleswoman about it yesterday.

A:You did?

B:Sure. She said that once we finalize the sale, we just need to make an appointment with her.

A:How long will it take to get covered?

B:I believe the insurance policy will kick in immediately.


A:That’s great. Did you pick up any brochures.

start up

B:Not yet.

A:Maybe we could start reading up on the different policies now. I heard that many of the homes that were damaged during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans weren’t covered.

B:You’re kidding! Did they have some home insurance or did home insurance just not cover floods?

A:Most of the policies didn’t cover floods.

start up

B:I guess we should make sure to read the fine print very carefully. Shall we go there now?

start up在线翻译

A:Why not? I have nothing better to do.


A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind.

B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head.

A:Like this?

B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat…

start up在线翻译

A:I think I’m warmed up now.

B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it?

start up的近义词

A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands?

B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you.

A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next?

B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump.

start up是什么意思

A:Is this right?

B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight.

start up的翻译

A:How many times do we repeat this?

B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again.

A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira!

start up的近义词

B:Not a problem.

start up 网络解释

1. 启动:最佳答案: 直接把windows里面的explorer复制到开始菜单的启动(start up)文件夹里面就好了 或者运行windows优化大师也行

2. 起动:RUN-绿色,在CPU起动(START UP)时闪烁,在运行时长亮;旧型号的CPU面板上有FEPROM插槽,新型号CPU面板取消了电池和FEPROM插槽,代之以微存储器(MMC)卡,由于MMC存储容量大(64KB~8MB),不仅可以存程序,甚至可以存整个项目(Project).

3. 新创企业:过去台湾都是靠财务金融单位如银行、创投等,但这些财务金融单位基本上都还是将本求利,会要求更高的财务绩效指标评估投资,但企业集团因为有长期布局的策略考量,在投资此类新创企业(Start up)时,会愿意承担更高的技术风险,

start up 词典解释

1. -> see start 5;6

start up 英英释义


1. get off the ground

    e.g. Who started this company?
           We embarked on an exciting enterprise
           I start my day with a good breakfast
           We began the new semester
           The afternoon session begins at 4 PM
           The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack

    Synonym: startembark oncommence

2. get going or set in motion

    e.g. We simply could not start the engine
           start up the computer

    Synonym: start

start up是什么意思,start up在线翻译,start up什么意思,start up的意思,start up的翻译,start up的解释,start up的发音,start up的同义词,start up的反义词,start up的例句,start up的相关词组,start up意思是什么,start up怎么翻译,单词start up是什么意思
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