
stabilised是什么意思 stabilised在线翻译 stabilised什么意思 stabilised的意思 stabilised的翻译 stabilised的解释 stabilised的发音 stabilised的同义词


stabilised 双语例句

1. The Association also collaborated with Osteoporosis Centre, Queen Mary Hospital, the University of Hong Kong to provide Osteoporosis Shared Care Service to follow up on patients with stabilised conditions.

2. Dehydrated and with his blood-sugar levels and blood pressure down to alarming levels, the 57-year-old former president was on November 16th taken to hospital, and given intravenous glucose and saline drips. His health stabilised enough for him to be taken back to prison on November 19th, by when Taiwan`s high court was mulling over his appeal.

3. His health stabilised enough for him to be taken back to prison on November 19th, by when Taiwan`s high court was mulling over his appeal.


4. However, the sharp cutbacks in steel production are now being felt and prices have stabilised.

5. stabilised什么意思

5. The gun is stabilised in two axes by hydraulic servoes and can fire all available types of ammunition including APFSDS (armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot) and HEAT (high explosive anti-tank) rounds.

6. stabilised是什么意思

6. In this case, a more stabilised aluminium pigment has to be used.

7. When you have stabilised, you can gradually change to a vegetarian diet.

8. By contrast, the squirrels stabilised their blood pressure and body temperature and lied for between 4 and 10 hours.

9. We have stabilised the tower, so that it has stopped continuing to tilt

10. The key question is whether this trend can be slowed or stabilised.

11. 公共查询·英语单词

11. One measure of their success is that the market share of low-cost carriers appears to have stabilised at around 30%, at least for the moment.

12. After a dramatic drop in demand, the world economy has stabilised at a low level.

13. Christian Wust, chief executive, said that electricity costs in Romania had risen by $20m, but had now stabilised.

14. The combined intervention on the brakes and engine stabilises the traction when accelerating, and a stabilised and controlled opening of the throttle is activated when shifting down or if the accelerator pedal is suddenly release d between 0 and 120 km/h

15. A breakthrough was possible when Boyd found that when a dog moves, its head remains relatively still and so performs tike a gyro stabilised platform.

16. The output of the world''s largest economies stabilised in the second quarter of this year, although there were variations, with the UK proving weaker than its peers.

17. For a start, the financial system appears to have stabilised. Continuing where Mr Bush left off, Mr Obama intervened to prop up ailing banks and insurers, thereby probably averting catastrophe.

18. Its competitors are also prospering. The share prices of Agrium, CF Industries, Bunge and Syngenta spiked last year along with food prices, then tumbled (along with the shares of nearly every other company), but then stabilised, even as the rest of the stockmarket continued to tank.
      该公司的竞争对手也经营着它们蒸蒸日上的生意,Agrium,CF Industries,Bunge和Syngenta的股价去年先是随着食品价格的上涨而大幅上扬,随后大跌(当时几乎所有其他公司的股价都在下挫),然后稳定下来而没有随着股市一起崩溃。

19. The share prices of Agrium, CF Industries, Bunge and Syngenta spiked last year along with food prices, then tumbled (along with the shares of nearly every other company), but then stabilised, even as the rest of the stockmarket continued to tank.
      该公司的竞争对手也经营着它们蒸蒸日上的生意,Agrium,CF Industries,Bunge 和 Syngenta 的股价去年先是随着食品价格的上涨而大幅上扬,随后大跌(当时几乎所有其他公司的股价都在下挫),然后稳定下来而没有随着股市一起崩溃。

20. danci.edu.pub

20. Imports fell 25.2 per cent, after a 23 per cent drop the previous month, but economists said imports and exports had stabilised and were basically flat if measured on a monthly, seasonally-adjusted basis.

stabilised 单语例句

1. The latest data indicates that both the external and Hong Kong economies have stabilised, and that our stock and property markets have picked up.

2. After the analysis of six samples, the range of variation will be stabilised.

3. " Engines will be stabilised from the 2006 Chinese Grand Prix, " the statement said.

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