
speech [spi:tʃ]  [spitʃ] 


speech 基本解释


名词演说,演讲,发言; 说话,谈话,说话能力或方式; (乐器的)音,音色; 方言,民族语言

speech 同义词

speech 反义词



speech 相关例句


1. By your speech I can tell you''re from Hong Kong.

2. Animals lack speech.

3. Speech is learnt in the first years of life.

4. We express our thoughts by speech.

5. The chairman made an opening speech.

speech 网络解释

1. 演讲:再如,改变整节课全部由教师讲解的教学形式,而是根据教学内容由教师提出问题,学生进行小组讨论(Pair work,Group Discussion),课文复述(Story Retelling),采访(Interview),辩论(Debate),演讲(Speech),游戏(Game),竞赛(Contest)等形式,

2. 语言:种类很多,其中最简单的一种是CRAMS评分法,包括循环(Circulation)、呼吸(Respiration)、腹部(Abdomen)、运动(Motor)、语言(Speech)每项各2分,总分为10分,如果得分≤8分为重度创伤,得分≥9分为轻度创伤.

speech 词典解释

1. 说话能力;说话;言语
    Speech is the ability to speak or the act of speaking.

    e.g. ...the development of speech in children...
    e.g. Intoxication interferes with speech and coordination.

2. 说话方式;言谈
    Your speech is the way in which you speak.


    e.g. His speech became increasingly thick and nasal...
    e.g. I''d make fun of her dress and imitate her speech.

3. 口语,言语(与书面语相对而言)
    Speech is spoken language.


    e.g. He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired.
    e.g. ...the way common letter clusters are usually pronounced in speech.

4. 演说;演讲;讲话;致辞
    A speech is a formal talk which someone gives to an audience.

    e.g. She is due to make a speech on the economy next week...
    e.g. He delivered his speech in French.

5. (演员的)台词
    A speech is a group of lines spoken by a character in a play.

    e.g. ...the hilarious speech from Alan Bennett''s ''Forty Years On''.

6. see also: direct speech;figure of speech;indirect speech;maiden speech;part of speech;reported speech

speech 英英释义


1. the mental faculty or power of vocal communication

    e.g. language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals

    Synonym: language

2. a lengthy rebuke

    e.g. a good lecture was my father''s idea of discipline
           the teacher gave him a talking to

    Synonym: lecturetalking to

3. words making up the dialogue of a play

    e.g. the actor forgot his speech

    Synonym: actor''s linewords

4. your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally

    e.g. his manner of speaking was quite abrupt
           her speech was barren of southernisms
           I detected a slight accent in his speech

    Synonym: manner of speakingdelivery

5. (language) communication by word of mouth

    e.g. his speech was garbled
           he uttered harsh language
           he recorded the spoken language of the streets

    Synonym: speech communicationspoken communicationspoken languagelanguagevoice communicationoral communication

6. the exchange of spoken words

    e.g. they were perfectly comfortable together without speech

7. something spoken

    e.g. he could hear them uttering merry speeches

8. the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience

    e.g. he listened to an address on minor Roman poets

    Synonym: address

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