

sorbed 双语例句

1. sorbed

1. The results showed that appropriate solution/solid ratios range from 20 to 50 in extraction procedure. 0.1~0.5M NaOH can effectively extract base solution selenium under heated water bath. 1M Na2SO3 is a better reagent for elemental selenium extraction. 600~700mL/min airflow flux ensures that H2Se reducted by sulfide/selenide selenium is fully sorbed.

2. In the second research, the sorption behavior of arsenate on Li/Al LDH-Cl and gibbsite α-Al(OH3 was studied to define how the intercalated lithium chloride participated in the sorption of arsenate through sorption isotherms, envelopes and EXFAS analysis. The sorption maximum of Li/Al LDH-Cl was approximately 6 times higher than that of gibbsite and the amounts of arsenate sorbed on Li/Al LDH-Cl at pH 4.0 – 9.0 were always higher than that on gibbsite.
    在第二部份的实验中,目的为藉著等温吸附、吸附边缘实验及X光射线吸收边缘延续光谱细微构造的技术比较砷酸盐在夹层为氯化物之锂铝层状双氢氧基化合物与三水铝石上α-Al(OH3 的吸附行为,进而了解位於层状Al3中之氯化锂对於夹层为氯化物之锂铝层状双氢氧基化合物吸附砷酸盐之贡献。

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3. From SEM photomicrograph, it was deduced that the glassy transition temperature of the PS was lowered to between 60-70℃ from 97℃ due to the plasticization of the sorbed CO〓.

4. The sorbed oil mass; large volumes of''''.

5. The formation of methane results from the reaction of the reversible adsorbed H_2 with irreversible ad-sorbed CO.

6. Mg·-1 at 25℃ and the adsorption rate constant increases with the increasing of temperature. The activation energy is 8.22 kJ·mol-1. The mechanism of sulfide removal is being sorbed onto the iorn nanoparticles via formation of surface compleses, FeOSH and iron sulfides(FeS, FeS2, FeS n).
    mg·-1,而吸附速率常数随温度的升高而增大;吸附反应的活化能 E a为8.22 kJ·mol-1;纳米铁对S2-的去除主要是通过形成表面络合物、硫氢基氧化铁和硫化铁(FeS、FeS2、FeS n )沉淀吸附在纳米铁表面来去除。

7. Compared the annual up - take of elements by bracken with nutrient budget in soil, the efficiency of elements ab - sorbed from soil varied from 0.012 for nitrogen to 1.36 for iron.

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8. In every case, a fraction of aldicarb was adsorbed irreversibly and over 70% of the adsorbed mass resided in the irreversibly sorbed compartment in the situation of low initial concentration. But in higher initial concentration the irreversibly sorbed compartment could be filled in one sorption step.

9. By the visible spectroscopy and by the infrared spectroscopy, the U (ⅳ) species sorbed on the anion exchanger and in the mixed media are studied.

10. Some reasons why one would want to flow a column in the opposite direction include backflushing operations in column switching, rinsing a column with stubborn strongly sorbed sample at its entrance (a shorter path length than to flush the insoluble materials through the entire column length), and flushing trapped particulates to decrease pressure buildup.

11. Effect of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant on the Desorption and Biodegration of Sorbed Phenanthrene in Marine Sediment Numerical prediction of settlement and biodegradation effect on porosity within landfill

12. Uranium has been redistributed by biological processes as well as in the sedimentary cycle. Effect of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant on the Desorption and Biodegration of Sorbed Phenanthrene in Marine Sediment

13. Ultrasonic vibration technology was used to extract loosely sorbed phosphorus fraction in the sediments from Guanting Reservoir.

14. sorbed的近义词

14. Site energy distribution analysis for effect of sorbed nonylphenol on sorption of phenanthrene

15. The amount of RE desorbed appears exponential relatonship to that of sorbed. The turning point of the curve is called " Characteristic adsorption quantity " so as to describe the change. This sorption relation of RE-illite is of higher significance than that of RE-soil.

16. The chelates of xylenol orange containing hydrophile groups are not sorbed by the resin.

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17. Changes of the molecular folding of fruit bromelain perturbed by methanol, ethanol and ethylene glycol have been studied by means of measuring the fluorescence spectra, differential UV-ab-sorbed spectra and circular dichroism spectra.

18. The majority of PAHs with serious carcinogen are mainly sorbed on particles, which can be deposited in the respiratory tract, hence, increasing the potential health effects.

19. The Au, Pt and Pd sorbed on the resin can be quantitatively eluted with 5% thiourea and determined by AAS.

20. She ask for an orange sorbed.

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