
solitary [ˈsɒlətri]  [ˈsɑ:ləteri] 


solitary 基本解释

形容词独自的,独立的; 单个的; 唯一的; 隐居的

名词独居者,隐士; 单独禁闭

solitary 同义词

solitary 反义词


solitary 相关例句


1. He formed the habit of taking long solitary walks through the streets.

2. There was a solitary sheep in the field.

solitary 网络解释

1. 孤立:正 前言就规则余波而论,在工程上常用的理论主要有四种:线性(Airy)波理论、司托克斯(Stokes)波理论、椭园余弦(Cnoidal)波理论、孤立(Solitary)波理论.在深水情况下,影响波动性质主要因素是波陡 H/L 和相对水深 d/L;

2. 寂寞:大体说来,我居住的地方,寂寞(solitary)得跟生活在大草原上一样. ①在这里离新英格兰也像离亚洲和非洲一样遥远. 可以说,我有我自己的太阳、月亮和星星,我有一个完全属于我自己的小世界. 从没有一个人在晚上经过我的屋子,或叩我的门,

3. 孤子性:solar-terrestrial environment 日地环境 | solitary 孤子性 | soliton star 孤子星

solitary 词典解释

1. (人或动物)独处的,独居的
    A person or animal that is solitary spends a lot of time alone.

    e.g. Paul was a shy, pleasant, solitary man...
    e.g. They often have a lonely and solitary life to lead.

2. (行动)单独的,独自的
    A solitary activity is one that you do alone.

    e.g. His evenings were spent in solitary drinking.

3. (人或物)孤单的,孤零零的
    A solitary person or object is alone, with no others near them.

    e.g. ...the occasional solitary figure making a study of wildflowers or grasses.

4. 同 solitary confinement
    Solitary is the same as solitary confinement .

    e.g. Tom was in solitary across the way from me.

solitary 英英释义


1. one who lives in solitude

    Synonym: hermitreclusesolitudinariantroglodyte

2. confinement of a prisoner in isolation from other prisoners

    e.g. he was held in solitary

    Synonym: solitary confinement


1. devoid of creatures

    e.g. a lonely crossroads
           a solitary retreat
           a trail leading to an unfrequented lake

    Synonym: lonelyunfrequented

2. characterized by or preferring solitude

    e.g. a lone wolf
           a lonely existence
           a man of a solitary disposition
           a solitary walk

    Synonym: lone(a)lonely(a)

3. lacking companions or companionship

    e.g. he was alone when we met him
           she is alone much of the time
           the lone skier on the mountain
           a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel
           a lonely soul
           a solitary traveler

    Synonym: alone(p)lone(a)lonely(a)

4. of plants and animals
    not growing or living in groups or colonies

    e.g. solitary bees

    Synonym: nongregariousnonsocial

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