
soft [sɒft]  [sɔ:ft] 


soft 基本解释

形容词软的,柔软的; 温和的,柔和的; 不含酒精的; 轻松的


副词柔和地; 温柔地


soft 同义词

soft 反义词

soft 相关例句


1. soft

1. Silk feels soft and smooth.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. This orange is soft.

3. You are too soft with them.

4. He''s soft in the head.


1. soft在线翻译

1. Speak softer, please.

soft 网络解释

1. 软:一个专权的政府并不等于一个有效的组织,一个能够很有效地执行自己法定正常职责和功能的政府,也可能是其它领域里相当"软"(soft)的一个政府. 在传统的中央指令型经济体制下,行政部门把很多其他部门对公共事务的调整和管理的功能给同化了,

2. 柔软的:所谓3S原则,指的就是使用与皮质(Skin)兼容的洗剂、柔软的(Soft)湿布、快速(Soon)的自然风干. 平常应尽量避免表带与水接触,不慎弄湿的话,应尽量等风干以后再戴上,以避免发臭;睡觉时则最好把表带放在通风的地方,让皮质细胞张开呼吸;

soft 词典解释

1. 软的;柔软的
    Something that is soft is pleasant to touch, and not rough or hard.

    e.g. Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple...
    e.g. When it''s dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush.

The sea air robbed her hair of its softness.

2. 软的;易弯曲的
    Something that is soft changes shape or bends easily when you press it.


    e.g. She lay down on the soft, comfortable bed...
    e.g. Add enough milk to form a soft dough.

3. 线条柔和的;没有棱角的;平缓的
    Something that has a soft appearance has smooth curves rather than sharp or distinct edges.

    e.g. This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look.
    e.g. ...the soft curves of her body.

She wore a softly tailored suit.
...a fresh, modern hairstyle which has long layers falling softly on the neck.

4. (声音、光芒、色彩等)柔和的
    Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to look at because it is not bright.


    e.g. There was a soft tapping on my door...
    e.g. When he woke again he could hear soft music.

''I''m sorry,'' he said softly...
She crossed the softly lit room...
She bent forward and kissed him softly.

5. 宽容的;不严厉的;心慈手软的
    If you are soft on someone, you do not treat them as strictly or severely as you should do.


    e.g. The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals...
    e.g. He had initially thought Byrnes too soft with the Russians.

6. 同情(别人)的;心软的
    If you say that someone has a soft heart, you mean that they are sensitive and sympathetic towards other people.

    e.g. Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.

7. (生活)轻松的,不费力气的
    You use soft to describe a way of life that is easy and involves very little work.

    e.g. The regime at Latchmere could be seen as a soft option...
    e.g. There is no way that 20 years of soft living could be lost in the first 30 minutes'' exercise.
           20 年轻松舒适的生活是绝对不可能经过首次 30 分钟的训练就能放弃的。

8. (大麻等毒品)软性的
      Soft drugs are drugs, such as cannabis, which are illegal but which many people do not consider to be strong or harmful.

9. (目标)易被攻击的
      A soft target is a place or person that can easily be attacked.

      e.g. Women who carry cash about in the streets, as they very often have to, are a very soft target.

10. (水)含钙量低的,软性的
      Soft water does not contain much of the mineral calcium and so makes bubbles easily when you use soap.

11. 特别喜爱;特别疼爱;钟爱
      If you have a soft spot for someone or something, you feel a great deal of affection for them or like them a lot.

      e.g. Terry had a soft spot for me...
      e.g. I have a soft spot for London Zoo.

12. a soft touch -> see touch

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