
slop [slɒp]  [slɑ:p] 


slop 基本解释


不及物动词溢出,泼出; 在泥浆(或雪泥)中走

及物动词(液体)晃出; 使(某物)溢出或泼出; 休息,放松,偷懒

名词污水; 粪便与废水; 宽松的罩衣; 剩菜屑

slop 相关例句


1. They slopped along the muddy road.

2. Some of the soup slopped over the edge of the bowl.

slop 网络解释

1. 斜率:控制器具多段程式编辑及温度、湿度可做快速(OUICK)或斜率(SLOP)控制. 本恒温恒湿箱用于试验各种材料耐热、耐寒、耐干、耐湿性能. 适合电子、电器、食品、车辆、金属、化学、建材等工厂之用高天恒温恒湿箱模拟各种温湿度环境用以检验产品材质在不同环境下的变化及强度的减衰程度,

2. slop的翻译

2. 污油:这艘载有2000公吨污油(slop)的船只当时停在靠近樟宜东南方9公里外的新加坡海域. 当局随即到冒出火舌的甲板和泵房(Pump Room)协助灭火,17名船员跳船逃生,其中14人来自印尼、两名中国人和一名菲律宾人. 海事及港务管理局过后从海上救起15人,

3. 宽大罩衣:sloop 单桅纵帆船 | slop 宽大罩衣 | slope control timer 陡度调整计时器

4. 废油:slop ratio 坡度 | slop 废油 | slope of ramp 加油台斜坡度

slop 词典解释

1. (使)溢出;(使)溅出;(使)泼出
    If liquid slops from a container or if you slop liquid somewhere, it comes out over the edge of the container, usually accidentally.

    e.g. A little cognac slopped over the edge of the glass...
    e.g. Refilling his cup, she slopped some tea into the saucer.

2. 残羹剩饭;泔脚
    You can use slop or slops to refer to liquid waste containing the remains of food.

    e.g. Breakfast plates were collected and the slops emptied.

slop 英英释义


1. writing or music that is excessively sweet and sentimental

    Synonym: treaclemushglop

2. wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk

    Synonym: slopsswillpigswillpigwash

3. (usually plural) weak or watery unappetizing food or drink

    e.g. he lived on the thin slops that food kitchens provided

4. (usually plural) waste water from a kitchen or bathroom or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand

    e.g. she carried out the sink slops

5. deep soft mud in water or slush

    e.g. they waded through the slop

    Synonym: mire


1. feed pigs

    Synonym: swill

2. cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container

    e.g. spill the milk
           splatter water

    Synonym: spillsplatter

3. ladle clumsily

    e.g. slop the food onto the plate

4. walk through mud or mire

    e.g. We had to splosh across the wet meadow

    Synonym: squelchsquishsplashsploshslosh

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