
slap [slæp]  [slæp] 


slap 基本解释

名词掌掴; 侮辱; 掌掴声

及物动词猛打; 用力放置; 尖刻批评、侮辱


副词直接地; 猛然地

slap 相关词组

1. slap down : 粗暴地禁止, 镇压;

2. slap together : 草草拼凑;

3. slap around : 打击, 粗暴地对待;


slap 相关例句


1. slap

1. He slapped her across the face.

2. She slapped the book down on the table.

3. slap

3. The government slapped import quotas on foreign cars.


1. The waves slapped against the jetty.


1. The rude boy got a slap in the face.


2. I gave the dog a slap.

slap 网络解释


1. 拍打:当你已经改用辅助武器,或你没有辅助武器时,记住SPORTS的口诀:拍打(Slap)弹匣以确定它已装妥,再拉(Pull)拉柄并观察 (Observe)以确保枪膛无子弹,松开(Release)拉柄并轻拍(Tap)确保枪机就定位,取得瞄准图后扣下(Squeeze)板机.

2. slap

2. 拍:美国人要向别人表示友好的时候,往往用手拍拍 (slap) 对方的后背. 对许多人来说,这已经成了习惯. 需要说明的是,这种习惯在美国男人当中特别普遍. 例如,在一个婚礼上,新郎的好朋友都会在他背上拍几下,以表示对他祝贺. 可是,

3. slap是什么意思

3. 耳光:派士(PULSE)在今后的宣传中将全面与李宝老师合作,并推出一系列推广、演示活动. ◎2000年加入耳光(slap)乐队任鼓手. ◎2004年加入北京麒麟童唱片公司(kkp)旗下羽化乐队任鼓手.

4. 打:2.当你已经改用辅助武器,或你没有辅助武器时,记住SPORTS的口诀:拍打(Slap)弹匣以确定它已装妥,再拉(Pull)拉柄并观察(Observe)以确保枪膛无子弹,松开(Release)拉柄并轻拍(Tap)确保枪机就定位,取得瞄准图後扣下(Squeeze)板机.

5. slap:slitting line assembly program; 配刀软件

6. slap:subscriber line access protocol; 用户线路接入协议

7. slap:stand – alone lightweight directory access protocol; 独立小型名录访问协议

slap 词典解释

1. 掌掴;用巴掌拍;打…耳光
    If you slap someone, you hit them with the palm of your hand.

    e.g. He would push or slap her once in a while...
    e.g. I slapped him hard across the face...

2. (友好地)拍(…的后背)
    If you slap someone on the back, you hit them in a friendly manner on their back.

    e.g. A large middle-aged lady slapped me on the back and said ''Nice to see you again.''

3. (迅速或马虎地)涂,抹,贴
    If you slap something onto a surface, you put it there quickly, roughly, or carelessly.

    e.g. The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting saucer.

4. (不合理或草率地)施加(赋税、禁令等)
    If journalists say that the authorities slap something such as a tax or a ban on something, they think it is unreasonable or put on without careful thought.

    e.g. The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs...
    e.g. Thankfully the Government still hasn''t discovered a way of slapping a tax on love, sunshine or air.

5. 打击;侮辱;一记耳光
    If you describe something that someone does as a slap in the face, you mean that it shocks or upsets you because it shows that they do not support you or respect you.


    e.g. ''The Sun'' calls it a massive slap in the face for the United States government...
    e.g. Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.
           英国人坚持认为加薪不到 5%不啻于一种羞辱。

6. 轻微的警告;轻微的惩罚
    A slap on the wrist is a warning or a punishment that is not very severe.


    e.g. The fine they gave her is just more or less a slap on the wrist.

slap 英英释义


1. the act of smacking something
    a blow delivered with an open hand

    Synonym: smacksmacking

2. a blow from a flat object (as an open hand)

    Synonym: smack


1. hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand

    e.g. The impatient teacher slapped the student
           a gunshot slapped him on the forehead



1. directly

    e.g. he ran bang into the pole
           ran slap into her

    Synonym: bangslapdashsmackbolt

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