
signal [ˈsɪgnəl]  [ˈsɪɡnəl] 


signal 基本解释

名词信号,暗号; 预兆,征象; 动机; 导火线

及物动词向…发信号; 用动作(手势)示意; 以信号告知


形容词显著的,优越的; 暗号的,作信号用的

signal 相关例句


1. A period signals the end of a sentence.


1. The teacher signalled to the boy to begin.


1. signal的意思

1. A red lamp is used as a danger signal.

2. The railway signal showed that the train could pass.

signal 网络解释

1. 符号:传播的来源与日地分别是独特的个体,各有其经验范围:双方经验中交集的部分,即为讯息(message)基本来源的符号(signal). 传播双方则各自是编码、释码,与解码的系统;双方透过回馈控制过程,讯息得以了解及传布. 自施兰姆引进新的传播理论之后,

2. signal:sgl; 信号

3. signal

3. signal:sig; 声音信号

signal 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 signaling, signaled

1. (以手势、声音、行动等发出的)信号,暗号
    A signal is a gesture, sound, or action which is intended to give a particular message to the person who sees or hears it.

    e.g. They fired three distress signals...
    e.g. As soon as it was dark, Mrs Evans gave the signal...

2. (用手势、声音等)发信号,发暗号,示意
    If you signal to someone, you make a gesture or sound in order to send them a particular message.

    e.g. The United manager was to be seen frantically signalling to McClair...
    e.g. He stood up, signalling to the officer that he had finished with his client...

3. 迹象;信号;预示
    If an event or action is a signal of something, it suggests that this thing exists or is going to happen.

    e.g. Kurdish leaders saw the visit as an important signal of support...
    e.g. The first warning signals came in March...

4. 预示;表明;显示
    If someone or something signals an event, they suggest that the event is happening or likely to happen.

    e.g. She will be signalling massive changes in energy policy...
    e.g. Britain was signalling its readiness to have the embargo lifted...

5. (铁路上的)指示灯,信号灯
    A signal is a piece of equipment beside a railway, which indicates to train drivers whether they should stop the train or not.


6. (传输信息的无线电、光波或电流)信号
    A signal is a series of radio waves, light waves, or changes in electrical current which may carry information.


    e.g. ...high-frequency radio signals.

7. 重大的;显要的;非凡的
    You use signal to describe a success or failure when you are emphasizing the fact that it has occurred and are indicating that the consequences are significant.

    e.g. His final round was a signal triumph in a career marked by many sweet moments.
    e.g. ...John Major''s signal failure to grab America''s attention.

...a demoralised party which its leader signally failed to reassure.

signal 英英释义


1. any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message

    e.g. signals from the boat suddenly stopped

    Synonym: signalingsign

2. any incitement to action

    e.g. he awaited the signal to start
           the victory was a signal for wild celebration

3. an electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength) whose modulation represents coded information about the source from which it comes


1. be a signal for or a symptom of

    e.g. These symptoms indicate a serious illness
           Her behavior points to a severe neurosis
           The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued

    Synonym: bespeakbetokenindicatepoint

2. communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs

    e.g. He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture
           The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu

    Synonym: signsignalizesignalise



1. notably out of the ordinary

    e.g. the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party

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