
sideline [ˈsaɪdlaɪn]  [ˈsaɪdˌlaɪn] 


sideline 基本解释


名词副业,兼职; (球场等的)边线; (本业以外的)兼售商品; 局外人的观点


sideline 相关例句


1. sideline

1. Joe is an engineer, but he does some translation as a sideline.

2. They watched the match from the sidelines.

sideline 网络解释

1. sideline是什么意思

1. 边线:所有抢七擂台赛收入将统统作为奖金颁发给擂台赛冠军, 擂台赛冠军为18:00左右最后一场抢七比赛的胜利者.另外, 请参加抢七擂台赛的朋友不要过早来到场地里面, 因为, 场地边线(sideline)距边网(fence)本来就较近,

2. 跑道侧方:Shorts 330/360 肖特330/360 | sideline 跑道侧方 | simulator flight 飞机模拟机

3. 副业:income falls short of the expenditure/unable to make end meet入不敷出 | sideline副业 | parergon副业,第二职业

4. sideline的翻译

4. 坐场边(因伤或因病或别的原应:Shot:投篮 | Sideline:坐场边(因伤或因病或别的原应 | Sink a shot:投篮命中

sideline 词典解释

1. 兼职;副业
    A sideline is something that you do in addition to your main job in order to earn extra money.


    e.g. It was quite a lucrative sideline...
    e.g. Mr. Means sold computer disks as a sideline.

2. (球场等的)边线
    The sidelines are the lines marking the long sides of the playing area, for example on a football field or tennis court.

3. (某一情况的)外围,局外
    If you are on the sidelines in a situation, you do not influence events at all, either because you have chosen not to be involved, or because other people have not involved you.

    e.g. France no longer wants to be left on the sidelines when critical decisions are taken...
    e.g. He has watched from the sidelines the great developments unrolling in Eastern Europe...

4. 把…排除在外;使靠边;不重视
    If someone or something is sidelined, they are made to seem unimportant and not included in what people are doing.

    e.g. He was under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined...
    e.g. What they fear is that environment policy will be sidelined until it is too late.

5. 使(运动员)下场;使退出比赛
    In sports, if a player is sidelined, he or she is prevented from playing for a period of time, for example because of an injury.

    e.g. Mercer will have his jaw wired up tomorrow and will be sidelined for six to eight weeks.
           默瑟明天要进行下颌骨固定手术,将离开赛场 6至8 个星期。

sideline 英英释义


1. an auxiliary activity

    Synonym: avocationby-linehobbypursuitspare-time activity

2. an auxiliary line of merchandise

3. a line that marks the side boundary of a playing field

    Synonym: out of bounds


1. remove from the center of activity or attention
    place into an inferior position

    e.g. The outspoken cabinet member was sidelined by the President

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