
shaky [ˈʃeɪki]  [ˈʃeki] 


shaky 基本解释


形容词(地位,信用等)动摇的; (因病、体弱等)摇晃的; 虚弱的; 不可靠的

shaky 相关例句


1. My English is rather shaky.

2. They are building their arguments on very shaky premises.

shaky 网络解释

1. 震动的:shako 军帽 | shaky 震动的 | shale oil 页岩油

2. 摇动的:shakings 废绳絮、帆布等 | shaky 摇动的 | shale oil 而岩油

3. 虚弱的:premise 前提 | shaky 虚弱的 | logical 合理的

4. 震动的/摇晃的/动摇的:shakuchirin /赤地利甙/ | shaky /震动的/摇晃的/动摇的/ | shale /页岩/泥板岩/

shaky 词典解释

1. 不稳固的;不牢靠的;不会长久的;不会成功的
    If you describe a situation as shaky, you mean that it is weak or unstable, and seems unlikely to last long or be successful.

    e.g. A shaky ceasefire is holding after three days of fighting between rival groups...
    e.g. I''m afraid that this school year is off to a shaky start...

2. (声音或身体)颤抖的,发抖的
    If your body or your voice is shaky, you cannot control it properly and it shakes, for example because you are ill or nervous.


    e.g. We have all had a shaky hand and a dry mouth before speaking in public...
    e.g. Even small operations can leave you feeling a bit shaky...

He made his way down the aircraft steps unaided but moved shakily as he did so...
''I''m okay,'' she said shakily.

shaky 英英释义


1. not secure
    beset with difficulties

    e.g. a shaky marriage

    Synonym: precarious

2. inclined to shake as from weakness or defect

    e.g. a rickety table
           a wobbly chair with shaky legs
           the ladder felt a little wobbly
           the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky

    Synonym: ricketywobblywonky

3. vibrating slightly and irregularly
    as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze

    e.g. a quaking bog
           the quaking child asked for more
           quivering leaves of a poplar tree
           with shaking knees
           seemed shaky on her feet
           sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier
           trembling hands

    Synonym: shiveringtrembling

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