
shaft [ʃɑ:ft]  [ʃæft] 


shaft 基本解释

名词柄,轴; 矛,箭; 〈非〉嘲笑; 光线

及物动词给…装上杆柄; 〈俚〉苛刻的对待

shaft 相关词组

1. get the shaft : 受骗;


shaft 相关例句


1. shaft的反义词

1. Shafts of sunlight peeked through the trees.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. The archers sent their shafts through the air.

shaft 网络解释

1. 轴:是什么原因我不会解释,只能教你把线杯拿出来,然后在轴(shaft)上面加一个薄垫片,意思就是说把线杯垫高一点,问题应该可以解决了. . 是什么原因我不会解释,只能教你把线杯拿出来,然后在轴(shaft)上面加一个薄垫片,意思就是说把线杯垫高一点,

2. 杆身:的挥杆相速配.杆身 (SHAFT) 提供所需的力量和控制,选择适合您挥杆速度的杆身对您球技的发挥是有相当助益.大部份的球杆的杆身 (SHAFT) 为切合不同使用者的需 要﹐在 FLEX 上会有分 REGULAR 或 FIRM (STIFF)﹐甚或更细到 L-Lady,

3. 殺戮戰警:90年代她重返影坛,拍摄了<亲爱的,你别骗我>>(Another You)、<铁汉狂奔>>(Marlboro Man),她与施瓦辛格联袂主演的1996年影片<蒸发密令>>(Eraser)大获成功,此后她又出演了影片<精神食粮>>(Soul Food)和<杀戮战警>>(Shaft)以及多部电视剧.

4. shaft的近义词

4. 竖井:未来进行废弃物运入处置场的作业时,废弃物将经由隧道运送到与筒仓连接的工作竖井(shaft)中,另有一独立的竖井供作人员乘坐的电梯、通风管路及电路系统之用.

shaft 词典解释

1. (电梯等的)升降机井,竖井,井筒,通风井
    A shaft is a long vertical passage, for example for a lift.


    e.g. He was found dead at the bottom of a lift shaft.
    e.g. ...old mine shafts.

2. (机械的)轴,传动轴
    In a machine, a shaft is a rod that turns round continually in order to transfer movement in the machine.


    e.g. ...a drive shaft.
    e.g. ...the propeller shaft.

3. (矛、高尔夫球棒等的)杆;(斧头等的)柄
    A shaft is a long thin piece of wood or metal that forms part of a spear, axe, golf club, or other object.

    e.g. ...golf clubs with steel shafts.

4. (光线、阳光等的)一束,一道
    A shaft of light is a beam of light, for example sunlight shining through an opening.

    e.g. A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway.

shaft 英英释义



1. the hollow spine of a feather

    Synonym: quillcalamus

2. a revolving rod that transmits power or motion

    Synonym: rotating shaft

3. a long rod or pole (especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow)

4. a long vertical passage sunk into the earth, as for a mine or tunnel

5. (architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column

    Synonym: scape

6. a vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator)

7. a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon

    Synonym: spearlance

8. obscene terms for penis

    Synonym: cockprickdickpeckerpetertoolputz

9. the main (mid) section of a long bone

    Synonym: diaphysis

10. an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect

    e.g. his parting shot was `drop dead''
           she threw shafts of sarcasm
           she takes a dig at me every chance she gets

    Synonym: shotslamdigbarbjibegibe

11. a line that forms the length of an arrow pointer

12. a column of light (as from a beacon)

      Synonym: beambeam of lightlight beamrayray of lightshaft of lightirradiation


1. defeat someone through trickery or deceit

    Synonym: cheatchousescrewchicanejockey

2. equip with a shaft

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