
shade off

shade off 双语例句

1. shade off的反义词

1. Moreover, the figure near at hand suffers on such occasions, because it shows up its sorriness without shade; while vague figures afar off are honoured, in that their distance makes artistic virtues of their stains.

2. To finish it all off I`d have a little alcove, unseen from afar, that afforded the curious visitor a wide-angled view of the whole garden, with a sun shade, and a low-lying bench with a few plump cushions strewn carelessly about, and all of it surrounded by a profusion of welcoming flowers.

3. Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as he always believed in minding his own business moved off but nevertheless remained on the qui vive with just a shade of anxiety though not funkyish in the least.

4. The Fresnel lens in the optical receptor spotlights the headlamp beams to form their image at the 1-meter distance between the optical receptor and headlamps. CMOS camera as an image sensor, takes the photos of their images, which are captured by VG-M201, The application of some digital image processing techniques to these images, such as edge-picking up、least-square fitting-curve algorithm, is to calculate the offset position/angle of optical axis of the high beams and the nodical offset of the unsymmetrical facular light and shade cut-off line of the low beams.

5. shade off的解释

5. I think I''ll take my shoes off and sit in the shade.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. World''s Craziest Geoengineering Scheme A manmade volcano erupting continuously to shade the Earth until greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere are brought down. Thousands of mirrors boosted into geosynchronous orbit to block sunlight. Crewless ships wander the oceans spewing saltwater into the air to increase cloud cover. These are just a few of the proposals from scientists to manipulate, or geoengineer, the planet to stave off global warming.
    大家网翻译交流论坛 http://club.topsage.com/forum-110-1.html 世界上最疯狂的地球工程方案利用人造火山不断地喷发,以便使地球处于阴凉之下直到大气中温室气体的水平下降;把成千上万的反射镜安放于地球同步轨道上,以期拦住太阳光;让游弋于海洋中的无人轮船向空气中喷洒盐水,以便增加云层的覆盖……为了控制全球变暖,科学家们提出了不少方案来控制地球,或者说是进行地球工程。

7. Some evergreen trees also provi de shade all year, a factor that may be undesirable in some cases during hard winter freezes, when an evergreen shade tree may block off the heat rays from the sun that might melt snow and ice from a house roof or prevent infra red light from warming rooms insi de the house.

8. In the dazzling golden sunlight, the park`s wall provided shade: I wheeled myself over there, put the back of the wheelchair down, and—either sitting or lying down—I read or thought. I would break off a cypress twig and drive away the insects who didn`t know any better than I did why they had been born in this world."

9. For an individual, Zhan Tianyou not noble descent, there is no real home of the rich shade, even if admitted to the first batch of the Qing official Abroad student, he also is just one part of the 120 individuals, ordinary citizen, the son, born part, honest perseverance, speculative market skills are not infected by the bad habits of奸巧not flatter those not running in the door of the rich and the powerful, not to occupy a place off the land, study the rules of due diligence, and thoroughness work, neither overbearing nor life, business hard.

10. Would God I were the tender apple blossom That floats and falls from off the twisted bough, To lie and faint within you silken bosom, Within your silken bosom as that does now! Or would I were a little burnish''d apple For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold, While sun and shade your robe of lawn will dapple, Your robe of lawn, and you hair''s spun gold. Yea, would to God I were among the roses That lean to kiss you as you float between, While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses, A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen. Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing, A happy daisy, in the garden path; That so your silver foot might press me going, Might press me going even unto death.

11. However, trust and commitment can avoid and shade off opportunism through fixed relationship exchanging. And the author points out how to construct trust and commitment to accomplish it and keep channel harmony.

12. Lighting fixture with full parts, no damage or deformation and no defects of coats flaking off or lamp shade tears.

13. shade off在线翻译

13. Let''s sit in the shade and cool off a bit.

14. Balsam pear tea: The fresh balsam pear shuts off the fruit pulp, integrates the tea mix, is hanging ventilates place dries in the shade.

15. I think we''d be better off in the shade on this hot day.

16. shade off

16. The Reason of Causing Off-Shade Yarn of Linen and Cotton Blended and Settling Measure

17. Is he really going to tell Virgin stewardesses, who currently are not at liberty to choose their own shade of lipstick, that they can take off as much time as they like?

18. You could draw down the window-shade and turn the reading light off and fasten your seat-belt so that you can take a good nap.

19. If wearing a down jacket can help fend off the chill in the morning and during evening, then an umbrella can be used like a big shady tree when it gets really hot during the day and there is nothing around you to help shade the sun.

20. Love is to allow the beloved to doze off under a shade in a summer afternoon.

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