
set to [set tu:]  [sɛt tu] 

set to 基本解释

set to

打起来; 大吃起来; 非正>开始努力干; 把脸转向…

set to 相关例句


1. If we all set to, we can finish cleaning the house in an hour.

set to 情景对话


A:Thank you for bringing me. This is great!

B:Rose, do you see? Herb and Don are over there.

A:Uh huh. I can't believe it! You're trying to set up Herb and me.

B:Let's sit with them.

set to

A:Ms. Matchmaker, Herb and I just aren't written in the stars.

B:Who knows? Come on!

Resumes and Interviews-(履历表和面试)

A:Hey Ted, I saw this ad in the paper. You should take a look.

B:What is it?

A:It’s for a job. It looks perfect for you.

B:Let’s see … “Wanted: manager for up-and-coming fimp3. Must have good organizational skills. Experience a plus. Please contact Betty Sue.” Oh, I don’t know …

set to的意思

A:Come on, what have you got to lose?

B:What about my resume?

A:Here, I’ll help you type one up.

set to什么意思

B:Thanks, Mary. You’re a real pal. I’ll call now to set up an interview.


A:Okay, Bob. I'M ready for beak-fast. Where's the coffee?

B:It's in that pan there. Jean broke the Silex last week, so I'm still boiling it.

A:It tastes like crankcase oil, but delicious.

set to的意思

B:That's good. You can always make beaskfast yourself if you don't like it.

set to的反义词

A:What is the rebesides coffee?

B:I warmed a couple of bread roll, and your eggs are in the frying pan.

A:Say, what time is it? Is it really only seven-fifteen. My watch says eight-fifteen.

set to的解释

B:You forgot to set your watch back. Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night.

A:Gee.I could've slept another hour.

set to 网络解释

1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. 调到:service shop 维修车间 | set to 调到 | shaft , planet pinion 行星齿轮轴

2. 开始认真干:set to work 开始工作 | set to 开始认真干 | set up applications 安装应用程序

3. set to的反义词

3. 殴斗:set-in 插入物 | set-to 殴斗 | seta 刚毛

4. 开始认真干, 开始大吃:The meal was set out on a long table. 饭菜摆在一张长桌子上. | 3. set to 开始认真干, 开始大吃 | eg: We have set to learning Japanese grammar. 我们开始学习日语语法.

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