1. sensor是什么意思
1. 感应器:1 感应器 (sensor) 感应器相对人的五观(眼、耳、口、鼻、皮肤),是机械人探索环境的工具. 2 控制器 (controller) 感应器相对人的脑袋,机械人通过他的感应器搜集环境的数据后,通过他的大脑分析,计划他的行动
2. 敏感器:测试对象穿合适的普通科室运动鞋行走在两台床反力计(Kistler9281)步行路上,自由步行,共3次,动态足底压采用F-Scan系统(Tekscan)测量,敏感器(sensor)放于足底板和鞋底之间.
3. 感受器:细菌通常使用双信号转导系统(two-component signal transduction system)来感受体外瞬时化学变化(图1),其中两个蛋白分别作为感受器(sensor)和响应控制器(response regulator)[29].
4. sensor:sen; 感测器
1. (探测光、热等的)传感器,探测设备,敏感元件
A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light, and which is used to provide information.
e.g. The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.
e.g. ...a light sensor.
1. any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
Synonym: detectorsensing element