
seal 7

seal 7 双语例句

1. seal 7

1. The seal property of 7.63m coke oven is good, but more shape bricks are used, the finished product rate of some bricks are rather low, if the complicated oven proper structure which has influence on coke oven production operation and service life should be further proved by practice.
    介绍了7.63m 焦炉主要耐火材料的品种、数量、材质及各种砖型的验收技术条件,同时还对半硅砖、硅线石砖、硅火泥、格子砖等的应用问题进行了深入的讨论。7.63m 焦炉炉体密封性好,但异型砖多,有些砖的成品率极低,复杂的炉体结构对焦炉生产操作和寿命是否有影响还需进一步的实践验证。

2. They are thought to mistake a person 7 a sea animal, such as a seal or sea lion.

3. Observe Australian sea lions at Seal Bay and over 7, 000 New Zealand fur seals playfully interacting in and around Admirals Arch in Flinders Chase National Park, also home to hundreds of docile kangaroos.

4. seal 7的解释

4. Drawback is that there are two sealing surfaces seal pair, processing more complex, 你好gh cost, relatively tall more other valves to open and close a long time, open and close when the relative friction between the sealing surface, prone to scratches.
    平板闸阀的独特之处以及应用:一、用场、性能及独特之处平板闸阀是闸阀各人族中的一员,同楔式闸阀一样;它的主要功能是节制管路的通断,而不是调治管路中的介质流量缺点是密封副有两个密封面,加工较复杂,成本高,相对于其它阀门要高峻些,启闭时间较长,启闭时密封面间相对于摩擦,容易导致擦伤二、产物结构独特之处:一、阀座接纳形密封圈密封以及施加预紧力的浮动阀座结构,使阀门进出口双向密封;而且该结构的启闭力矩仅为平凡阀门的,能达到轻松开、关阀门 2阀座接纳密封面上嵌入或者堆焊不锈钢,具有对于金属以及金属对于金属的双重密封,密封面同时断根闸板脏物的作用 3、金属对于金属密封的阀门,阀体外部设有注油脂结构,油脂路程经过过程注脂器、阀座进入阀门密封面,使阀门达到零走漏 4、带导流孔阀门的闸板,不论是整张纸或者是全关始末与密封面吻合,密封面患上到掩护不受介质直接冲洗,从而延长使用寿命五、阀门在整张纸时,通道平滑为直线,流阻系数极小,无压力损掉,可通毛球彻底扫除管线 6、本阀门接纳带自密封能力的填料结构,无需经常调治,开、关极为简便,且密封性靠患上住,填料函处设有辅助密封油脂注入结构,密封性能绝对于靠患上住,真正达到零走漏;解决了通用阀门填料处最容易外漏的蠹弊 7、阀门关闭时能AUTO卸掉内腔高压,包管使用安全八、全封闭结构,防备保护性能好,可适应不受天气限制要求 9、阀门设有指示杆或者不雅察窗以暗示阀门的启闭情况

5. Using fire-proof material to seal the cable inlet.在电缆管的管口处使用阻燃密封材料进行密封。

6. Sphragizo {sfrag-id''-zo} from 4973; TDNT - 7:939, 1127; v AV - seal 22, set to seal 1, stop 1, seal up 1, set a seal 1, vr seal 1; 271 to set a seal upon, mark with a seal, to seal 1a for security: from Satan 1b since things sealed up are concealed, to hide, keep in silence, keep secret 1c in order to mark a person or a thing 1c1 to set a mark upon by the impress of a seal or a stamp 1c2 angels are said to be sealed by God 1d in order to prove, confirm, or attest a thing 1d1 to confirm authenticate, place beyond doubt 1d1a of a written document 1d1b to prove one''s testimony to a person that he is what he professes to be
    相关经文回前一页 4972 sphragizo {sfrag-id''-zo}源自4973; TDNT - 7:939,1127;动词钦定本- seal 22,set to seal 1,stop 1,seal up 1,set a seal 1,vr seal 1; 27 1 将记号封住,用标志作记号,盖印 1a 为了防御撒旦 1b 被封住的事物都是隐藏的,遮掩,保持缄默,保守密秘 1c)为了要在一个人或是物件上留下记号 1c1 藉由封印或盖印用记号封住 1c2 天使是受了神的印记 1d 为了要证明,确认,或是验明一件事物 1d1 确认所鉴定的,置於怀疑之外 1d1a 指一件手写的文献 1d1b 向某人证实自己的见证,确实是其所宣称的

7. Thank you for your information in your letter of 6 July. Our client has agreed to extend the shipment date of their L/C to 30 August, and, therefore, we can ship the ten cases of art goods per m/v `Seal scheduled to sail from Xingang about 20 August.


8. Our client has agreed to extend the shipment date of their L/C to 30 August, and, therefore, we can ship the ten cases of art goods per m/v Seal scheduled to sail from Xingang about 20 August.
    感谢7月6日来函中向我方提供的情况,译文我客户已同意将信用证中最迟交货时间展期到 8月30日,因此可以将10箱工艺品装载于8月20 日左右自新港启碇的海豹号轮运出。

9. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
    6:7 揭开第四印的时候,我听见第四活物说,你来。

10. And when He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, Come.
    6:7 羔羊揭开第四印的时候,我听见第四个活物的声音说,你来。

11. Used the part of the work under jurisdiction longitudinal seal joint grouting、the pea gravel backfill to flaw processing and solidifies processing measure and so on the grouting、installment anchor rod, it had carried on the detailed introduction.

12. seal 7

12. GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the Victorian State Office this 28TH day of JULY Two thousand and Eight.

13. WITNESS my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__, 20__(8)__.责任编辑:admin

14. Pangdone the success of the total workers in part extrusion die case: electronic display with a transparent PVC profile; polymer PE liner Article; automotive seal profile; automotive ABS buckle edge profile; cable U-groove; cable 3 holes, 6 holes and 7 holes plum round tube, square tube hole 4, 6; PVC co-extruded plastic profile co-extruded aluminum; wood-plastic co-extruded flooring, door; 1 dual-chamber mode, the software and hardware co-extruded three-cavity Profile; all kinds of tubes; all kinds of doors, windows, fans, flooring, and foam, foam coextrusion die and so on.

15. We provide products and services: 1: Die by rapid cooling joints and Shuizui the company''s products compatible with the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Taiwan, such as mold cooling system with rapid and joint US-British, and other dental water Mouth 2: Die stopped using copper screws US-made English, and many other teeth 3: Die seal bolt specifications φ6, φ8, φ10, φ12, φ14, φ16, φ18, φ20, φ25, φ304: Injection molding machine plant diversion of sophisticated controller: 2 Jin 2-12 into the 12-Perspective: 2 Jin 2-12 into the 12 mail: 2 Jin 2-12 Jin Jin 121 Jin 2-1125: environmental protection and energy conservation is large: 1400 CC medium: 640 CC small: 160 CC 6: Die date Chapter 7: Geshui-8: customized non-standard hardware parts

16. Agency. com appointed Eugene Chew to replace Jason Kuperman as MD, and also hire Allen Wang as Business Director and Elizabeth Sun as Account Director. The agency wins Porsche, Costa Coffee, Tencent, InBev and others. It`s a fruitful year on creative for TBWA, despite of Cannes Gold lion, it also perform well at local awards- China International Ad Awards (1 Grand Prix, 4 Silver, 7 Bronze), China 4A Golden Seal Awards (1 Grand Prix, 4 Gold, 8 Silver, 3 Bronze) and China Effie`s Grand Prix.
      互动单元Agency.com任命邱有仁接替Jason Kuperman出任董事总经理,王培伦和孙琼加盟分别担任业务总监与客户总监;该公司去年获得了保时捷、咖啡世家、腾讯、英博集团等新业务;在创意上,腾迈集团迎来丰收的一年,除了戛纳金狮之外,其在本土创意奖-中国国际广告节(1全场大奖、4银、7铜)、中国4A金印奖(全场大奖、4金8银3铜)以及艾菲奖上成绩耀眼。

17. The principle, the seal structure of the three-dimension rotating nozzle for cleaning the soft fouling on the wall of the macro-pattern fermentation pot (Diameter 7.2? m) and the character of the feed-operating equipment are introduced.

18. seal 7

18. The seal test of artificial core indicate: the gel block pressure higher more than 7 MPa, it can be used to seal the water from water layer in oil well.

19. It shall adopt mandatory measures to seal up and detain all the drugs in time, and shall make a decision of administrative handling within 7 days.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. Tri-clamp connections 2 SH type closure clamp 3 SH type closure clamp 4 SSH type closure clamp 53 segment type closure clamp 6 Tri-clamp ferrule, type biotechnology 7 Tri-clamp gaskets, type biotechnology 8Tri-clamp end cap 9 Metalholded clamp sight glass, sterile execution 10 Clamp sight glass 11 Tri-clamp fittings 12 Clamp T-piece, equal 13 Clamp T-piece, short branch 14 Concentric clamp reducer 15 Reduced TC-adapter 16 TC-internal thread adapter 17 TC-external thread adapter 18 Welding fittings 19 T-piece according DIN 11866, ROW B (ISO1127) 20 T-piece, special 21 Cross piece 22 Concentric reducer 23 Eccentric reducer 24 Inline sight glass 25 Inline sight glass with TC-ends or other connections 26 Aseptic-O-ring unions 27 Female union 28 Union nut 29 Male union 30 O-ring 31 Reduced female union 32 Reduced male union 33 Female cap 34 Male cap 35 Pressure gauge T-Piece 36 Pressure gauge TC25.0-lower mount pressure entry 37 Pressure gauge TC25.0-back pressure entry 38 Tri-Clamp in-line seal 39 Tri-clamp in-line seal-enclosure 40 Pressure transmitter for TC25.041 The in-line seal is ideally suited for applications with flowing and highly viscous measuring media.
      的SSH型关闭钳 5 ) 3部分关闭钳型 6 )三钳套圈,键入生物技术 7 )三钳垫圈,类型的生物技术 8 )三钳位端盖 9 ) Metalholded钳视线玻璃,无菌执行 10 )玻璃夹视线 11 )三钳配件 12 )夹紧T型件,平等 13 )夹紧T型件,短枝 14 )同心钳减速器 15 )减少增距镜TC -适配器 16 )增距镜TC -内螺纹适配器 17 )增距镜TC -外部线程适配器 18 )焊接配件 19 ) T型件按照德国国家标准DIN 11866 ,列乙( ISO1127 ) 20 ) T型件,特别 21 )跨片 22 )同心减速器 23 )偏心减速器 24 )内置视线玻璃 25 )内置视线玻璃增距镜TC -末端或其他连接 26 )无菌- O形圈工会 27 )女性联盟 28 )联盟螺母 29 )男性联盟 30 ) O形圈 31 )减少女性联盟 32 )减少男性联盟 33 )女性第 34岁)男帽 35 )压力表T型作品 36 )压力表TC25.0下挂载压力入境 37 )压力表TC25.0 -背压入境 38 )三夹具在线印章 39 )三钳在网上密封外壳 40 )压力变送器的TC25.0 41 )在网上盖章适合应用与流畅和高粘度测量媒体。

seal 7 单语例句

1. Of the 18 only 7 have mastered the stranding behaviour whereby the Orca enter the shallow surf to feed on seal pups.

seal 7
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