
scramble [ˈskræmbl]  [ˈskræmbəl] 


scramble 基本解释

不及物动词攀登,爬; 争夺,抢夺; (植物)蔓延; [航]紧急起飞

及物动词攀登,爬; 把…搅乱; 炒(蛋)

名词抢夺; 混乱; 攀登; [航]紧急起飞

scramble 相关例句


1. scramble

1. Bad weather scrambled the air schedules.

2. scramble的反义词

2. Jane scrambled up her hair.


1. The children scrambled up the hill.

2. The reporters scrambled for the phones.


1. It''s quite a scramble to get to the mountaintop.

scramble 网络解释


1. 拼凑:一种是将画像资料作拼凑(Scramble)处理,然后输出讯号;另外一种是停止讯号输出,再行认证. 后者的测试极为困难,目前的状况是,没有完善的解决对策. 进行规格认证测试之际,多是关闭HDCP的机能,即使依赖ATC的测试,也是以停止HDCP的机能为原则.

2. 扰码:和其它的W-CDMA下行实体频道一样,HS-PDSCH也会经过调变、展频、扰码(scramble),以及加总(sum)处理,唯一的差别在于HS-PDSCH中映对的调变方法可能是QPSK或16QAM调变,且SF永远固定为16.

3. 紧急起飞:」「扣除紧急起飞(Scramble)和紧急著陆(EOL,Emergency On Land)的状况,飞机在起飞前一定会有飞行计画书,而这份飞行计画书里会清楚的记载货物或负荷,起讫点、中途转场的地点、所需的燃料和接受导航过程中所转换的每一个通讯频道赫兹数.

4. 炒:加拿大的蛋虽及不上在港或日的香浓,但是其味道也算是中规中矩的,而煮法可选自炒(scramble)、全熟(well done)、太阳蛋(sunny shine up)、反蛋(over easy)及白烚(boil).

scramble 词典解释

1. (迅速地)爬,攀登
    If you scramble over rocks or up a hill, you move quickly over them or up it using your hands to help you.

    e.g. Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle...
    e.g. He scrambled up a steep bank.

2. 仓促行动;慌忙前往
    If you scramble to a different place or position, you move there in a hurried, awkward way.

    e.g. Ann threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed...
    e.g. He scrambled to his feet.

3. 争夺;抢夺
    If a number of people scramble for something, they compete energetically with each other for it.

    e.g. More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets...
           预计会有超过 300 万的球迷抢购门票。
    e.g. Business is booming and foreigners are scrambling to invest.

4. 炒(蛋)
    If you scramble eggs, you break them, mix them together and then heat and stir the mixture in a pan.

    e.g. Make the toast and scramble the eggs.

...scrambled eggs and bacon.

5. 倒换(无线电或电话信号)的频率(使只有持特殊仪器的人才能接收)
    If a device scrambles a radio or telephone message, it interferes with the sound so that the message can only be understood by someone with special equipment.

    e.g. The latest machines scramble the messages so that the conversation cannot easily be intercepted.

scramble 英英释义


1. rushing about hastily in an undignified way

    Synonym: scamperscurry

2. an unceremonious and disorganized struggle

    Synonym: scuffle


1. make unintelligible

    e.g. scramble the message so that nobody can understand it

2. stir vigorously

    e.g. beat the egg whites
           beat the cream

    Synonym: beat

3. bring into random order

    Synonym: jumblethrow together

4. to move hurriedly

    e.g. The friend scrambled after them

5. climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

    Synonym: clambershinshinnyskinstrugglesputter

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