
scenario [səˈnɑ:riəʊ]  [səˈnærioʊ] 


scenario 基本解释

名词(行动的)方案; 剧情概要; 分镜头剧本

scenario 相关词组

1. steal the scene : 抢戏(镜头);

2. set the scene : 作好准备;

3. behind the scenes : 在幕后;

4. on the scene : [法] 当场, 在出事地点;

scenario 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.

2. scenario的反义词

2. This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.

3. What a quiet but lively scene. Lambs frisked about in the pastures.

4. What''s new on the film scene?

5. The ancient Rome battlefield was a scene of great carnage.

scenario 网络解释

1. 案例:三点主要变化 考试的变化主要体现在以下三个方面: 一、考试时间从95分钟减为75分钟, 题目从65道...CCDA考试640-441共有题目72题,其中大约有五十多题为方案题目(CASE STUDY),其方案题的出题方式同微软的不同,考试中共会出现四至六个案例(Scenario)围绕每个Scena

2. 想定:(f)风险;另外包括想定(Scenario)、编制(装备、人员)、军备(武器获得)、准则、训练、军事需求等,这些因素当中其所牵涉的范围含有极大程度的预测(不确定性),很难创造一标准作业流程或模式.

scenario 词典解释

1. 设想;可能发生的情况
    If you talk about a likely or possible scenario, you are talking about the way in which a situation may develop.

    e.g. ...the nightmare scenario of a divided and irrelevant Royal Family...
    e.g. In the worst-case scenario, you could become a homeless person...

2. (电影的)剧情梗概
    The scenario of a film is a piece of writing that gives an outline of the story.

scenario 英英释义


1. a postulated sequence of possible events

    e.g. planners developed several scenarios in case of an attack

2. an outline or synopsis of a play (or, by extension, of a literary work)

3. a setting for a work of art or literature

    e.g. the scenario is France during the Reign of Terror

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