
sail [seɪl]  [sel] 


sail 基本解释

不及物动词航行; 起航; 驾驶帆船

及物动词航行; 开船; (水禽)游泳; 驾驶(船)

名词航行; 帆船; 帆状物; 航行距离


sail 相关词组

1. under sail : 张着帆, 在航行中;

2. strike sail : 突然下帆;

3. set sail : 启航;

4. sail in : 仪态万方地走进来, 开始殴打起来, 劲头十足地行动起来;

5. in sail : 张着帆;

6. sail about : 逛来逛去;

7. lower one's sail : 认输;

sail 相关例句


1. Clouds are sailing the skies.


1. The duchess sailed into the room.

2. The ship sails for Shanghai tomorrow.

3. The fleecy clouds sailed across the sky.


1. There wasn''t a sail in sight.

sail 网络解释

1. sail

1. 航行:<体育画报>>的<体育画报少年版>>、<体育画报妇女版>>;<福布斯>>杂志的<福布斯FYI>>等;二是出版目录、手册等,如<汽车>>杂志的<租购指南>>(Guide Buy in gand Leasing),<航行>>(Sail)杂志创办的<帆船购买者

2. 篷:在悬挂滑翔运动的初期,最早的涉及安全问题的装备之一,就与三角翼的篷(sail)在陡峭俯冲时的泄气有关. 因此,悬挂滑翔飞行员在看待完全柔性的伞翼时,-这样的伞翼会在飞行中泄气和塌陷,-最乐观的看法是认为这让人迷惑,

3. 航海:我们在这张唱片之中听到的有他在年初进行的一场个人专场演出:<阿明前进>>(Amin Only Next Level)之中首演的部分曲目,即<航海>>(Sail)和与歌手瑞考恩(Racoon)合作的<更爱你>>(Love You More).

4. sail:steel authority of india ltd; 印度钢铁管理局公司

sail 词典解释

    Sails are large pieces of material attached to the mast of a ship. The wind blows against the sails and pushes the ship along.


    e.g. The white sails billow with the breezes they catch.

2. (船)航行,行驶
    You say a ship sails when it moves over the sea.

    e.g. The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge...
    e.g. The Kruzenshtern is expected to sail for Boston this week.

3. 驾驶(帆船);(船)扬帆行驶
    If you sail a boat or if a boat sails, it moves across water using its sails.

    e.g. I shall get myself a little boat and sail her around the world...
    e.g. For nearly two hundred miles she sailed on, her sails hard with ice...
           它在船帆硬邦邦地结满了冰的情况下连续航行了将近 200 英里。

4. (风车的)翼板
    The sails on a windmill are the long flat parts that are turned by the wind.


    e.g. ...a windmill, its sails turning in the breeze.

5. (人、物体)轻快而迅速地移动,飘过,飞过,掠过
    If a person or thing sails somewhere, they move there smoothly and fairly quickly.

    e.g. We got into the lift and sailed to the top floor...
    e.g. The cabs sailed past.

6. see also: sailing

7. 启航;开船
    When a ship sets sail, it leaves a port.


    e.g. He loaded his vessel with another cargo and set sail...
    e.g. Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World in the Santa Maria.

8. 坐帆船;乘帆船
    If you cross the sea under sail, you cross it in a ship that has sails rather than an engine.

    e.g. ...the challenge and fun of going to sea under sail.
    e.g. ...a big ship under sail.

9. to sail close to the wind -> see wind
    to take the wind out of someone''s sails -> see wind

相关词组:sail through

sail 英英释义


1. an ocean trip taken for pleasure

    Synonym: cruise

2. a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel

    Synonym: canvascanvasssheet

3. any structure that resembles a sail


1. travel on water propelled by wind or by other means

    e.g. The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow

    Synonym: voyagenavigate

2. traverse or travel on (a body of water)

    e.g. We sailed the Atlantic
           He sailed the Pacific all alone

3. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions

    e.g. The diva swept into the room
           Shreds of paper sailed through the air
           The searchlights swept across the sky

    Synonym: sweep

4. travel on water propelled by wind

    e.g. I love sailing, especially on the open sea
           the ship sails on

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