1. sage在线翻译
1. 鼠尾草精油:注意事项:敏感皮肤及孕妇禁用商品简介: 鼠尾草精油(Sage) 提取自花朵和叶子. 改善头发暗淡无光;改善毛孔粗大、暗疮印、湿疹、干癣、溃疡; 增强记忆、镇静神经、舒缓紧张、使心情开朗. 注意事项:孕妇、癫痫症患者禁用商品简介: 葡萄柚精油(Grape Fruit) 提取自果皮.
2. sage的近义词
2. sage:series analysis of gene expression; 基因表达系列分析
3. sage:serial analysis of geneexpression; 基因表现系列分析
4. sage的近义词
4. sage:systolic array graphics engine; 收缩阵列图形引擎,脉动阵列图形驱动器
5. sage的反义词
5. sage:semi – automatic ground environment system; 半自动地面环境系统(美国系统开发公司研制)
1. 哲人;智者;圣人
A sage is a person who is regarded as being very wise.
e.g. ...ancient Chinese sages.
2. (尤指因经验丰富而)贤明的,睿智的,博学多识的
Sage means wise and knowledgeable, especially as the result of a lot of experience.
e.g. He was famous for his sage advice to younger painters.
3. (用于烹调的)鼠尾草叶
Sage is a herb used in cooking.
4. 鼠尾草;洋苏草
Sage is a plant with grey-green leaves and purple, blue, or white flowers.
1. aromatic fresh or dried grey-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc
2. a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom
3. any of various plants of the genus Salvia
a cosmopolitan herb
Synonym: salvia
1. of the grey-green color of sage leaves
Synonym: sage-green
2. having wisdom that comes with age and experience