
rush [rʌʃ]  [rʌʃ] 


rush 基本解释


不及物动词(使)急速行进,仓促完成; 猛攻; 急速流动,奔腾

及物动词突袭; (使)仓促行事; 催促; (为物色、招募目的)特别关注

名词冲; 匆忙; 繁忙的活动; 涌动

rush 相关例句


1. rush的解释

1. We rushed the work.


1. Don''t rush to a conclusion.

2. She rushed into the room to tell us the news.


1. A sudden rush of business kept us on the go.

rush 情景对话

Bungee Jumping-(蹦极跳)

A:Hi, John, how was your vacation?


B:Awesome, we went to Australia and New Zealand.


A:That must have been wonderful. Do anything interesting?

B:Well, we went bungee jumping when we were in Australia.

A:Wow! Isn’t that dangerous?

B:A little, but the rush was worth it.


A:Tell me about it.


B:We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us.


A:500 feet! I would never be able to do that.

B:Yeah, It was scary, but exhilarating.



A:Good afternoon! Where to?

B:Tian’anmen Square.

A:You are going to Tian’anmen Square. No problem.


B:How long will it take? We are in a great hurry.

A:Around 20 minutes, but it all depends on the traffc.
      大约20 分钟,但得看交通状况。

B:Hope there is no traffic jam.


A:By this time, it’s better. The rush hour is over.


B:Could you drop us off on that corner?

A:Sure thing. Here are we.

B:How much do we owe you?

A:Eight yuan twenty cents.
      8 元2 角。

B:Here is ten yuan. Keep the change, please.
      这是10 元,不用找了。

A:Thank you. Have a nice day.

B:Thanks and you too.


A:Adam, I’m sorry!

B:But where have you been, Alice? You’re over an hour late.

A:Yes, but I couldn’t help it. I was late getting off work for a start, and then I missed the bus. The bus I did catch got caught in a traffic jam. It was one thing after another.


B:But why were you getting off work so late? The office closes at six, doesn’t it?

A:Yes, but there’s a rush on at the moment, and my boss asked me to do some urgent letters.

B:But didn’t you tell him you had an appointment?

A:Well, no. I thought I’d finish in about five minutes and I didn’t want to be difficult about just a few minutes. If it hadn’t been for missing the bus and the traffic, I wouldn’t have been so late. I’m sorry.


B:Well, you’re here. And that’s the main thing.

A:Thank you. I’ll try not to be late again.

rush 网络解释

1. 灯心草:草原与草原湿地内,长满许多青草(Grass),灯心草(Rush) ,虽然到处是枯黄的野草,成熟的野草果实与肥后的根部却是许多野鼠、昆虫与青蛙的栖息地. 他们努力的觅食与储藏食物以便度冬,在野草地下随处可见他们的隧道. 但随著野草的枯死,

2. 冲击:结尾语:冲击(Rush)公会成立于2009年2月20日,为准备CWOW巫妖王之怒而建立,我们为了一个目标聚集一堂--在艾泽拉斯的星空下开始我们的魔兽世界,挑战我们的自我,玩出我的个性,创造属于我们的成绩!

rush 词典解释

1. 猛冲;快速行进
    If you rush somewhere, you go there quickly.


    e.g. A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a man''s life...
    e.g. Someone inside the building rushed out...

2. 赶忙做;赶紧做
    If people rush to do something, they do it as soon as they can, because they are very eager to do it.

    e.g. Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could...
    e.g. Before you rush to book a table, bear in mind that lunch for two would cost £150.

3. 仓促;匆忙;急忙
    A rush is a situation in which you need to go somewhere or do something very quickly.


    e.g. The men left in a rush...
    e.g. It was all rather a rush...

4. 热潮;争做;争先恐后
    If there is a rush for something, many people suddenly try to get it or do it.


    e.g. Record stores are expecting a huge rush for the single.
    e.g. ...the rush for contracts.

5. 高峰期;繁忙活动期
    The rush is a period of time when many people go somewhere or do something.

    e.g. The shop''s opening coincided with the Christmas rush...
    e.g. Apply before the rush starts.

6. 匆忙做;仓促地做
    If you rush something, you do it in a hurry, often too quickly and without much care.


    e.g. You can''t rush a search...
    e.g. Chew your food well and do not rush meals...

The report had all the hallmarks of a rushed job.

7. 赶紧送;急忙送
    If you rush someone or something to a place, you take them there quickly.

    e.g. We got an ambulance and rushed her to hospital...
    e.g. Federal agents rushed him into a car...

8. (未经充分考虑而)匆忙做,仓促做,草率地做
    If you rush into something or are rushed into it, you do it without thinking about it for long enough.


    e.g. He will not rush into any decisions...
    e.g. They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task...

At no time did I feel rushed or under pressure.

9. 突袭;向…猛冲
      If you rush something or someone, you move quickly and forcefully at them, often in order to attack them.


      e.g. They rushed the entrance and forced their way in...
      e.g. Tom came rushing at him from another direction.

10. (空气或液体)迅速流动,奔涌
      If air or liquid rushes somewhere, it flows there suddenly and quickly.


      e.g. Water rushes out of huge tunnels...
      e.g. The air was rushing past us all the time.

11. (强烈感情的)迸发,涌动
      If you experience a rush of a feeling, you suddenly experience it very strongly.

      e.g. A rush of pure affection swept over him...
      e.g. He felt a sudden rush of panic at the thought.

12. 灯芯草
      Rushes are plants with long thin stems that grow near water.

13. (电影的)工作样片,毛片
      In film-making, the rushes of a film are the parts of it that have been filmed but have not yet been edited.

14. 非常繁忙
      If you are rushed off your feet, you are extremely busy.

      e.g. We used to be rushed off our feet at lunchtimes.

相关词组:rush outrush through

rush 英英释义


1. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner

    e.g. in his haste to leave he forgot his book

    Synonym: hastehurryrushing

2. (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line

    e.g. the linebackers were ready to stop a rush

    Synonym: rushing

3. a sudden burst of activity

    e.g. come back after the rush

4. a sudden forceful flow

    Synonym: spatesurgeupsurge

5. the swift release of a store of affective force

    e.g. they got a great bang out of it
           what a boot!
           he got a quick rush from injecting heroin
           he does it for kicks

    Synonym: bangbootchargeflushthrillkick

6. grasslike plants growing in wet places and having cylindrical often hollow stems


1. urge to an unnatural speed

    e.g. Don''t rush me, please!

    Synonym: hurry

2. act or move at high speed

    e.g. We have to rush!
           hurry--it''s late!

    Synonym: hastenhurrylook sharpfestinate

3. attack suddenly

4. cause to occur rapidly

    e.g. the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions

    Synonym: inducestimulatehasten

5. move fast

    e.g. He rushed down the hall to receive his guests
           The cars raced down the street

    Synonym: hotfoothastenhiespeedracepelt alongrush alongcannonball alongbucket alongbelt alongstep on it

6. cause to move fast or to rush or race

    e.g. The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze

    Synonym: race

7. run with the ball, in football


1. not accepting reservations

    Synonym: first-come-first-serve(p)

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