1. 摩擦:藉由改变液晶晶体摩擦(rubbing)方向、晶体细胞(cell)条件最适化,并搭配新补偿膜技术,从而使显示器上下左右可视角度达到170度超广角水平,并同时达到快速反应时间的要求.
2. rubbing什么意思
2. 研磨力:糖酐与血浆具散剂(powders)系指一种或数种药物均匀混合而制成的粉末状制剂.根据散剂的1.粉碎(crushing) 固体药物的粉碎是将大块物料借助机械力破碎成适宜大小的弯曲力(bending),研磨力(rubbing)等,参见图4-6.被处理物料的性质,
3. 研磨:另外,佳能的试制品采用了研磨(Rubbing)工艺的单象限(Single Domain)结构,扩大视角的多象限(Multi Domain)、补偿光膜和高速化驱动法等原来VA模式中的技术仍可继续使用.
1. 拓印图
A rubbing is a picture that you make by putting a piece of paper over a carved surface and then rubbing wax or chalk over it.
e.g. ...a brass rubbing.
2. see also: rub
1. effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure
2. representation consisting of a copy (as of an engraving) made by laying paper over something and rubbing it with charcoal
3. the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another
Synonym: friction