
rubber [ˈrʌbə(r)]  [ˈrʌbɚ] 


rubber 基本解释

名词橡胶; 橡皮; 决胜局; 避孕套


及物动词涂橡胶于; 用橡胶制造

不及物动词扭转脖子看; 好奇地引颈而望

rubber 相关例句


1. He works in a rubber factory.


1. You''d better wear rubbers, for it''s raining.

2. rubber的近义词

2. Tires are made of rubber.

3. There are a lot of rubber plantations in this region.

rubber 网络解释

1. 橡胶:(SILICONE)、丁苯橡胶(SBR)、丁丁基橡胶(IIR)、氢化丁腈胶(HNBR )顺丁橡胶(BR)、晴橡胶/聚氯乙烯(NBR /PVC)、丙烯酸酯橡胶(ACM)等. 6) 橡胶(Rubber)主要产品种类:

2. 天然橡胶:DTBHQ可用作天然橡胶(rubber)、合成橡胶(rubber)和乳胶de防老剂,能有效延缓硫化胶及未硫化胶de氧化老化及紫外光老化;可提高橡胶(rubber)制品de耐热性,耐油性及耐屈挠龟裂性;且容易分散,对硫化没有影响,不会污染橡胶(rubber)制品,

3. danci.edu.pub

3. 橡皮,橡胶:round-shapes 球形 | rubber 橡皮,橡胶 | rubber apron 橡皮围裙

rubber 词典解释

1. 橡胶;合成橡胶
    Rubber is a strong, waterproof, elastic substance made from the juice of a tropical tree or produced chemically. It is used for making tyres, boots, and other products.

    e.g. ...the smell of burning rubber.

2. 橡胶做的;橡胶制成的
    Rubber things are made of rubber.


    e.g. ...rubber gloves.
    e.g. ...a rubber ball.

3. 橡皮擦
    A rubber is a small piece of rubber or other material that is used to remove mistakes that you have made while writing, drawing, or typing.


in AM, use 美国英语用 eraser

4. 避孕套
    A rubber is a condom.

5. (桥牌或惠斯特牌的)一盘,一局
    In some card games, for example bridge or whist, a rubber is a match of three games.


    e.g. Let''s have a few rubbers of bridge.

rubber 英英释义


1. a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow

    Synonym: arcticgaloshgoloshgumshoe

2. contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse

    Synonym: condomsafetysafeprophylactic

3. an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber)
    commonly mounted at one end of a pencil

    Synonym: rubber eraserpencil eraser

4. an elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products

    Synonym: natural rubberIndia rubbergum elasticcaoutchouc

5. any of various synthetic elastic materials whose properties resemble natural rubber

    Synonym: synthetic rubber


1. coat or impregnate with rubber

    e.g. rubberize fabric for rain coats

    Synonym: rubberizerubberise


1. returned for lack of funds

    e.g. a rubber check
           a no-good check

    Synonym: no-good

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