
root on

root on 双语例句

1. Objective To gain stable genetic modification of neural stem cells that constitutively secrete brain-derived neurotropic factor and to explore the biological role on the survival and neurite outgrowth of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons.
    目的 建立稳定表达脑源性神经营养因子基因的神经干细胞并观察其对于体外培养的脊髓背根神经节细胞存活及突起生长的影响。

2. root on的解释

2. The sprouts from endplate and a few contact sites of NCAM with AChR can be seen. C: Untreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of NCAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of NCAM staining is increased. D: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by NCAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some NCAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.
    随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,NCAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,NCAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅NCAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

3. There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of N-CAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of N-CAM staining is increased. D: Yiqi Huayu Recipe-treated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by N-CAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some N-CAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipe-treated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.
    随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,N-CAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,N-CAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅N-CAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

4. There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of NCAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of NCAM staining is increased. D: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by NCAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some NCAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.
    随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,NCAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,NCAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅NCAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

5. Based on the background of sustainable development and focused on the buildingmaterials industry, the specific economic field, the paper gives a detailed analysis to theexisting problems concerning non-sustainable development happening in the traditionalbuilding materials industry and the root causing these problems, and it also proves thefeatures of green building materials, with a view to develop green building materialsmarkets to effect sustainable development in building materials industry in the mode ofeconomic increase in accordance with environmental protection.

6. root on的意思

6. Abstract] Objective:To observe the effect of scald ointment made of rhubarb, dahurian angelica root, and szechwan lovge rhizome dissolved in arachis oil on scalded wound in rats.
    摘要] 目的:研究由大黄、白芷、川芎等中药经加工后溶于花生油中而制成的康舒膏对大鼠烫伤的疗效。

7. So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury`s rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets.

8. Bull; So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury''s rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets.

9. root on什么意思

9. Herein, we report on a 20-year-old Chinese female who presented with a separated K3 nickel-titanium instrument in the distolingual root canal of her left mandibular first molar.

10. root on什么意思

10. 6 Welding procedures of single-side welding and both sides forming or sealing run at root of inner side of seam may be adopted for pipeline whose nominal diameter is ≥500mm. Base coat of weld joint on SHA and SHD level pipeline whose nominal diameter is less than 500mm shall be welded with argon arc.
    7.3.6 公称直径等于或大于 500 mm 的管道,宜采用单面焊接双面成形的焊接工艺或在焊缝内侧根部进行封底焊;公称直径小于 500 mm 的 SHA 和 SHD 级管道的焊缝底层应采用氩弧焊。

11. He saw this unequal combat from afar —— for the blacks were nearly twice the size of the red —— he drew near with rapid pace till be stood on his guard within half an inch of the combatants; then, watching his opportunity, he sprang upon the black warrior, and commenced his operations near the root of his right fore leg, leaving the foe to select among his own members; and so there were three united for life, as if a new kind of attraction had been invented which put all other locks and cements to shame.

12. The control effects of Solarization on the cucumber root knot nematodes disease was over 95% after three year.

13. At present, burdock''s economic value depends on burdock root exported to Japan and other European countries as edible vegetable. While international markets rigidly control the quality of exported burdock root, so the substandard root would be discarded.

14. On-Site quality control, to participate in the root cause investigation about quality non-conformity and action processing

15. root on在线翻译

15. The figures are the result of estimates based on a sandy soil from one horizon in the middle of the root zone.

16. Very much flexible language is read if sit, rise spring breeze, as prose poem, and the key word that needs conduct propaganda, occurrence frequency is so low however that occurrence frequency have pity on, I should say this, the phenomenon taking the branch for the root that flexible language appears.

17. As they were going along with the coffin on their shoulders, the servants stumbled over a root.

18. The pH was adjusted to 5.6-5.8 with IN NaOH. In addition, the frequency of floral bud induction was also affected by root excision. Most of the plantlets able to form floral buds were not the original ones but those grew up from new stems. On the top of them, a single flower or a inflorescence including 2~3 small flowers could be observed.

19. Three protozoa (Bodo edax, Colpoda cucullus, Amoeba proteus) were isolated from soil. The porous simulation with glass bead, soil column and root box incubation experiments were made to study the association of protozoa movement with phosphorus translocation and its influencing factors. The effects of protozoa on corn growth and corn straw mineralization were also involved. The results showed that protozoa movement in glass bead column was greatly controlled by the pore sizes. Bodo edax, about 5-7 m, could pass through the pores of 28-2011 m in diameters. Colpoda cucullus (30-60 m) could move through the pores of 155~116 m. However, no Amoebaproteus(100~150 m) was found in the effluents from all the columns. All the three protozoa made 32P redistribution in soil column.
      本研究利用土壤中常见的3种原生动物(梨波豆虫Bodo edax、僧帽肾形虫Colpoda cucullus、大变形虫Amoeba proteus),通过玻璃珠孔隙模拟、土柱及根箱培养试验,研究3种原生动物运动与磷素运移之间的关系及其影响因素,以及原生动物对玉米磷素营养的影响,同时对3种原生动物在玉米秸秆分解中的作用做了初步的探索,研究结果表明:原生动物的运动与孔隙密切相关,Bodo edax(5~7μm)能够穿过28~20μm孔隙,Colpoda cucullus (30~60μm)只能穿过155~116μm的孔隙,而Amoeba proteus(100~150μm)不能从玻璃柱中流出。

20. The effect of rotten and fresh wheat chaff on controlling cucumber root-knot nematode and plant growth were investigated in plots and pot, respectively.

root on 单语例句

1. The establishment of a national organ on preventing corruption will sound the clarion call to fight the scourge from its very root.

2. Other children carried buckets of cassava on their heads, a starchy root that is the children''s principal food along with rice and beans.

3. Some believe the new system will not root out click default because it doesn''t make any difference on the cost per click business model.

4. Hu asked all members to crack down hard on terrorism and transnational crimes of all forms and pay special attention to addressing their root causes.

5. As developing countries take on commitments without dealing with root causes, strong solutions will not be easy to come by.

6. The scion is then securely placed into the cut on the root stock.

7. Yang said the government''s monopoly on tobacco was the root cause of such a situation.

8. Even European soccer''s governing body UEFA has a view on the root of Italy''s hooligan problem.

9. Lin added that countries were paying " little attention to the root of the financial crisis, instead were only focusing on the tip of the iceberg ".

10. Basham said measures like increasing taxes on tobacco products and banning advertising don''t address the root causes of why people smoke.

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