1. 回卷:请问:我在后台数*在开发网络数据库时,回卷(rollback)是什么意思? 急,急 Delphi ..[简介]在开发网络数据库C/S结构时,回卷(rollback)是什么意思?请知道的兄弟姐妹们详解?同时,再请教一个问题:数据库中的某个表有一个自动增加的字段如:sp02/03/001,
2. 回退:节点 C 和 B 在 Tx 3 中,节点 C 和 D 在 Tx 4 中. 值得指出的是,那些在循环底部的节点和下一次重复中顶部的那些节点在同一个事务中. 在这种情况下,回退(rollback)可能会使人困惑. 最后测验答案(图 17)
1. 回落;回降;倒退;恢复
A rollback is a reduction in price or some other change that makes something like it was before.
e.g. Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy...
e.g. The rollback of reform is already putting off private western investors.
1. reducing prices back to some earlier level
2. the act of forcing the enemy to withdraw
Synonym: push back