
reunification [ˌri:ˌju:nɪfɪ''keɪʃn]  [ˌrijunəfəˈkeʃən] 

reunification 基本解释

名词重新统一; 重新团结

reunification 网络解释

1. 统一:包括著名漫画家亚当斯(Scott Adams)的几个有名的漫画角色的Dilbert Google Doodle日,波普艺术(即大众艺术)大师安迪.沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)诞辰74周年日,德国统一(Reunification)纪念日日,毕加索(Pablo Picasso)诞辰121周年日,

2. 再统一:reune 重新聚会 | reunification 再统一 | reunify 重新统一

3. reunification什么意思

3. 重新统一; 重新团结 (名):retype 重打字 (动) | reunification 重新统一; 重新团结 (名) | reunify 使重新统一, 再联合, 再统一 (动)

reunification 词典解释

1. 重新统一
    The reunification of a country or city that has been divided into two or more parts for some time is the joining of it together again.

    e.g. ...the reunification of East and West Beirut in 1991.

reunification 英英释义


1. the act of coming together again

    e.g. monetary unification precipitated the reunification of the German state in October 1990

    Synonym: reunion

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