
retire [rɪˈtaɪə(r)]  [rɪˈtaɪr] 


retire 基本解释

不及物动词退休; 撤退; 后退,退却

及物动词退休,退隐; 使撤退; 收回

名词退休; 退隐; 退兵信号

retire 相关词组


1. retire into oneself : 不与人交往;


retire 相关例句


1. retire什么意思

1. The government retires worn or torn bills from use.

2. The company retired him as soon as he reached sixty.


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1. She retired to the country.

2. Our armies have retired to regroup for a fresh attack.

3. The football player retired hurt.

retire 情景对话

Setting a Budget & Financial Plan-(建一个预算和财政计划)


A:O.K. So, where do you think we can save more money?


B:Well, we could eat in more. That $300 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.

A:Yeah, that’s a good idea, and you like to cook. What about the books?


B:No, I need my books.


A:Come on, if we save more money we can retire earlier, and you’ll actually have time to read all those books you buy.


B:Well, what about the $50 you spent on a shirt? You could’ve gotten something for less.

A:O.K. Let’s compromise, if you agree to only spend $75 on books, I’ll agree to only spend $40 for my next shirt.

B:All right. That sounds fair.

retire 网络解释

1. 退役:为了节省采集船的往返时间,通常要造1艘资源收集船,将它开到资源区;资源的另一个来源是主力舰的残骸,采集船将一片片残骸推回,可回收其中蕴涵的资源;获得资源的第3种方式是让舰船退役(Retire),通常用于重伤后且不便维修的护卫舰.

2. 退休; 告退,离去:reticent 沈默寡言的 | retire 退休; 告退,离去 | retort 回答; 报复,回报

retire 词典解释

1. 退休;退职
    When older people retire, they leave their job and usually stop working completely.


    e.g. At the age when most people retire, he is ready to face a new career...
    e.g. Although their careers are important many said they plan to retire at 50...

2. (从体育运动中)退役;退出(比赛)
    When a sports player retires from their sport, they stop playing in competitions. When they retire from a race or a match, they stop competing in it.


    e.g. I have decided to retire from Formula One racing at the end of the season...
    e.g. One of the most serious injuries was to Simon Littlejohn, who was forced to retire from the race with a leg injury.

3. 退出,离开(去别的地方)
    If you retire to another room or place, you go there.


    e.g. Eisenhower left the White House and retired to his farm in Gettysburg.

4. 退庭;休庭
    When a jury in a court of law retires, the members of it leave the court in order to decide whether someone is guilty or innocent.


    e.g. The jury will retire to consider its verdict today.

5. 就寝
    When you retire, you go to bed.

    e.g. She retires early most nights, exhausted...
    e.g. Some time after midnight, he retired to bed.

6. see also: retired;retiring

retire 英英释义


1. prepare for sleep

    e.g. I usually turn in at midnight
           He goes to bed at the crack of dawn

    Synonym: go to bedturn inbedcrawl inkip downhit the hayhit the sacksack outgo to sleep

2. cause to get out

    e.g. The pitcher retired three batters
           the runner was put out at third base

    Synonym: strike out

3. cause to be out on a fielding play

    Synonym: put out

4. lose interest

    e.g. he retired from life when his wife died

    Synonym: withdraw

5. pull back or move away or backward

    e.g. The enemy withdrew
           The limo pulled away from the curb

    Synonym: withdrawretreatpull awaydraw backrecedepull backmove back

6. dispose of (something no longer useful or needed)

    e.g. She finally retired that old coat

7. go into retirement
    stop performing one''s work or withdraw from one''s position

    e.g. He retired at age 68

8. withdraw from active participation

    e.g. He retired from chess

    Synonym: withdraw

9. make (someone) retire

    e.g. The director was retired after the scandal

10. break from a meeting or gathering

    e.g. We adjourned for lunch
           The men retired to the library

    Synonym: adjournwithdraw

11. withdraw from circulation or from the market, as of bills, shares, and bonds

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