1. 副本:-a 建立一个新的meta-database的副本(replica)-f 强行执行metainit命令,即使某一分片(slice)中含有已经mounted的文件系统,或者该分片正在作为swap使用,通常在配置根(/),swap,
2. 复本:导出:在某一地点的主机上,输入mkreplica -export命令,这个命令的执行结果是生成一个新的VOB复本(replica)和装有VOB复制信
3. 复制:目录服务中的分布技术中一个很重要的方法是复制(Replica),分布技术的好坏影响着目录服务的性能. 另一个是容错性(Fault Tolent)目录服务作为一个网络管理和应用的核心控管组件,容错性是至关重要的一点. 没有有效的容错保护手段,
1. 复制品;仿制品
A replica of something such as a statue, building, or weapon is an accurate copy of it.
e.g. ...a human-sized replica of the Statue of Liberty...
e.g. Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan...
2. 翻版;酷似的人
If you say that one person is a replica of another, you mean that the first person looks very like the second.
e.g. Tina as a child was a replica of her mother.
1. copy that is not the original
something that has been copied
Synonym: replicationreproduction