
reparation [ˌrepəˈreɪʃn]  [ˌrɛpəˈreʃən] 


reparation 基本解释

名词修理; 赔偿(款项); 修理工作; 维修工程


reparation 相关例句


1. reparation

1. They are still trying to make some sorts of atonement and reparation.

reparation 网络解释

1. 修复:克莱恩认为要走出哀悼,修复(reparation)扮有重要的角色. 修复是忧郁性焦虑的进展,是一种焦虑的修改而不是去逃避焦虑而产生的防卫机制. 修复的经验包含了忍受失落、对失落的罪恶感与责任感,同时感觉到并非一切都随之失落了,

2. 公共查询·英语单词大全

2. 补偿:标签理论在进行理论研究的同时,也提出了改革控制犯罪的机构与制度的刑事政策建 议,如非犯罪化(decriminalization)、转向(diversion)、非机构化(deinstitualization)、赔偿(restitution)和补偿(reparation)等.

3. reparation

3. 償:因为将战争赔偿(reparation)和民间损害赔偿(compensation)区别对待本来有国际先例. 日本法院对这种区别应该不至于搞不清楚. 日方仍坚持认为中国政府的放弃战争赔偿当然是包括民间的对日赔偿请求权的. 日本法院故意给中国政府出难题.

reparation 词典解释

1. (战败国支付的)赔款
    Reparations are sums of money that are paid after a war by the defeated country for the damage and injuries it caused in other countries.

    e.g. Israel accepted billions of dollars in war reparations.

2. 赔偿;弥补
    Reparation is help or payment that someone gives you for damage, loss, or suffering that they have caused you.

    e.g. There is a clear demand amongst victims for some sort of reparation from offenders.

reparation 英英释义


1. something done or paid in expiation of a wrong

    e.g. how can I make amends

    Synonym: amends

2. the act of putting something in working order again

    Synonym: repairfixfixingfixturemendmending

3. (usually plural) compensation exacted from a defeated nation by the victors

    e.g. Germany was unable to pay the reparations demanded after World War I

4. compensation (given or received) for an insult or injury

    e.g. an act for which there is no reparation

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