
religious service

religious service 双语例句

1. religious service的解释

1. On the coming Sunday a religious service will be held in commemoration of those who died in the war.

2. religious service的解释

2. The consecration of religious men and women to the lifelong service of afflicted humanity is foreign to dreamy Buddhist monasticism.

3. In 1875, a religious element was returned to naval christenings by Princess Alexandra, wife of the Prince of Wales, when she introduced an Anglican choral service in the launching ceremony for battleship Alexandra

4. A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service.

5. Such liberal thought as survived the success of the Revolution carried on the spirit of Locke`s philosophy most truly in respect to religious toleration…With some lip-service to Locke, Whiggism in the eighteenth century represented quite subsidiary elements of his Treatise: that the powers of government remain indefeasibly in the organs where they have once been placed…and that government is at bottom a balance of the vested interests of the realm: crown, landed aristocracy, and corporations…The monopoly of power by the landowning class was contrary not only to Locke`s theory of individual rights but also to his theory of the importance of property in general 496-497

6. A collection of offerings at a religious service.

7. A weekly dose of a religious service may be just what the doctor ordered for the elderly.

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8. You may also take an active part in a religious service or a cutting edge social event.

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9. If you''re inspired to take part in a religious service today, it may be one that is held out of doors, weather permitting.

10. The Greek Cypriots had been headed for a religious service in a church in the Morphu area.

11. More than 120 Tibetan monks from the Thrangu Monastery in Yushu, Qinghai, held a mass prayer service Wednesday to mourn the dead and pay tribute to soldiers who helped the monks in the rescue and the recovery of religious ovservances, Xinhua reported.

12. Health Care, Higher Education, Community Service, Arts, Culture, Historic Preservations, Religious, Environment.

13. Although the doctors forbade her going out early in the morning, Natasha insisted on keeping the fast, and not simply as it was kept in the Rostovs''household, by taking part in three services in the house, but keeping it as Agrafena Ivanova was doing, that is to say, for a whole week, not missing a single early morning service, or litany, or vesper. The countess was pleased at these signs of religious fervour in Natasha.

14. religious service的翻译

14. That is to say, much fasting, crying, and coming to the choir, forsaking of worldly honours, worldly riches and fleshly pleasures, and communication of the world, humble service and obedience to his sovereign, and charitable dealing to his sister, which pains in every point, the hunter taketh and sustaineth more largely for the love that he hath to his game, than do many religious persons for the love of Christ.

15. religious service的解释

15. The offerings of the congregation at a religious service.

16. Meanwhile official poverty and unemployment rates, at 14.2% and 8.2% respectively, are much higher than he promised when he was first elected. Health-service delivery is widely considered woeful. Religious minorities believe they are more fiercely persecuted than five years ago.
      同时,官方贫困和失业比率已经分别达到14.2%和 8.2%,比他首次被选为总统时所承诺的比率高得多;大众普遍认为卫生服务体系不尽人意;宗教少数派认为与5年前相比,他们现在遭遇更加激烈的迫害。

17. religious service的解释

17. It shows that its religious service space is both deeply affected by the ancient Hindu Buddhism architecture, and also influenced and inspired by that of Xiyu Owing to the fact that the traditional wooden-structure architectare of the Han region boasts great flexibility in the use of space, with some reform, it meets the need of religious service space of Buddhism architecture.

18. religious service什么意思

18. A prayer or other formula used in invoking, as at the opening of a religious service.

19. And the Cabala achieved this at a period when prayer was gradually becoming a merely external religious exercise, a service of the lips and not of the heart.

20. Farmers are political group whose number is the largest in China, so the construction of democratic politics in Chinese villages is important part in the process of the construction of political civilization. The construction of democratic politics in our village has made great progress since 1980s, but effected by many infacts such as economic basis, imperfect political system, backward cultural psychology, bad social environment, the construction of democratic politics in our villages is disturbed by many problems which includes the imperfect service function of committee in villages, bad relationship between towens and villages, the tort between the Party and Committees, unbalanced development of democratic Politics, low cultural standards of farmers, backward quality of the cadre at the basic level and the intervening act of the religious.

religious service 单语例句

1. " The religious service will cater to believers in different religions when they attend the Games, " an official with the local ethnic and religious authorities said.

2. He gave a subtle signal about the need for more religious freedom in China by attending a Protestant church service near the Tiananmen.

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