
refugee camp [ˌrefjuˈdʒi: kæmp]  [ˌrɛfjʊˈdʒi kæmp] 

refugee camp 基本解释


refugee camp在线翻译

refugee camp 网络解释

1. refugee camp

1. 难民营:男高音演唱家tenorist | 难民营refugee camp | 南南合作South-South cooperation

2. refugee camp的解释

2. 难展营:reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担 | refugee camp 难展营 | right of residence 居留权

3. 難民收容所政治內政:66362難以斷定;難猜成語英美片語成語hard to tell | 66363難民收容所政治內政refugee camp | 66364難民身份人類眾生相refugee status

4. 难民营bHe中国学习动力网:territorial integrity 领土完整bHe中国学习动力网 | refugee camp 难民营bHe中国学习动力网 | country of one's residence 侨居国bHe中国学习动力网

refugee camp 英英释义


1. shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs

    Synonym: camp

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