
reflective [rɪˈflektɪv]  [rɪˈflɛktɪv] 

reflective 基本解释

形容词反射的,反映的; 反省性的; (指人、心情等)深思熟虑的; (指物体表面)反光的

reflective 相关例句


1. These comments by Joy and Lester were reflective of the general attitude.

reflective 网络解释

1. 反射:重点开发电子商务和企业应用集成(EAI)中间件事务处理监程(TPM)中间件企业应用集成(EAI)中间件自适应(Adaptive)/反射(Reflective)中间件网络经济时代的来临,使企业面临信息化的挑战,如何利用信息技术,将不同的应用系统集成为一个高效的整体,

2. 反射式:简介:掌上电脑液晶显示屏的质量好坏,不仅关系到掌上电脑使用的舒适程度,而且也是掌上电脑性能体现的一个重要方面. 目前掌上电脑彩用的液晶显示民间按制造技术分有:透射式(Transmissive)、反射式(Reflective)和透反射式(也称

3. 反思的:这里借用Norman<情感化设计>>中的观点,我把体验也分为三个层次,分别是:感官的(Visceral)、行为的(Behavioral)和反思的(Reflective). 用户对一个产品的体验是递进的,首先是感官(产品看起来如何),其次是行为(也就是产品使用起来的感觉),

4. 反光:首先外观的比较,指出TT是铁黑色的,T2是银色;再作显示屏光暗之比较,发现TT明显比T2暗,因为TT采用反光(reflective)显示屏,而Zire 71跟T2一样,都是采用了透光(transreflective)显示屏.

reflective 词典解释

1. 沉思的;深思的
    If you are reflective, you are thinking deeply about something.

    e.g. I walked on in a reflective mood to the car...
    e.g. Mike is a quiet, reflective man.

''The first part of her life hasn''t been all that good,'' he said reflectively...
He gazed reflectively at his companion.

2. 反映…的;表现…的;代表性的
    If something is reflective of a particular situation or attitude, it is typical of that situation or attitude, or is a consequence of it.


    e.g. The German government''s support of the US is not entirely reflective of German public opinion...
    e.g. The pupil''s answers may not have been reflective of what the class as a whole had understood.

3. 反射的;反光的
    A reflective surface or material sends back light or heat.

    e.g. ...a garden of flowing streams, water basins, waterfalls, and a reflective pool...
    e.g. Avoid pans with a shiny, reflective base as the heat will be reflected back.

reflective 英英释义


1. devoted to matters of the mind

    e.g. the reflective type

2. capable of physically reflecting light or sound

    e.g. a reflective surface

3. deeply or seriously thoughtful

    e.g. Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the ''Byronic hero'' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man

    Synonym: broodingbroodycontemplativemeditativemusingpensiveponderingruminative

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