1. The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.
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2. When a lot of people rebel, there is a rebellion.
1. rebellion的解释
1. 叛乱:11关叛乱(Rebellion)干掉路上遇到的几只怪物后来到露天大院中,外面守兵和怪物的战斗异常激烈,趁乱爬上最近的哨塔躲好,等下面打出个结果来再操起座式迫击炮收拾残敌.
2. 反抗 :第二关:反抗(Rebellion):胜利条件:一周内攻克强弓(Strongbow)城堡,积攒100弓箭手,攻克阿什伍德(Ashwood)城堡. 伊莎贝尔不能战 败. 英雄等级上限为12级,伊莎贝尔将会被带入下一关. 关前选择:900金,10步兵,45农民. 过关指引:强弓城堡离出发点不远,
1. 谋反;叛乱;反叛
A rebellion is a violent organized action by a large group of people who are trying to change their country''s political system.
e.g. The British soon put down the rebellion.
e.g. ...the ruthless and brutal suppression of rebellion.
2. 内讧;(来自政党内部的)反抗
A situation in which politicians show their opposition to their own party''s policies can be referred to as a rebellion .
e.g. There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor''s tax cuts...
1. organized opposition to authority
a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another
Synonym: insurrectionrevoltrisinguprising
2. refusal to accept some authority or code or convention
e.g. each generation must have its own rebellion
his body was in rebellion against fatigue