
rebel [ˈrebl]  [ rɪˈbɛl] 


rebel 基本解释


名词反叛者; 叛逆者; 反政府的人; 造反者

形容词反抗的; 造反的

不及物动词反抗政府; 反抗权威

rebel 相关例句


1. We rebelled at having to stay in on so fine a day.

2. The students rebelled against their government.

3. 公共查询·英语单词大全

3. The people rebelled against the tyrant.


1. The rebels armed themselves against the government.

2. rebel在线翻译

2. The Rebels were reported to have ordered an entire fleet from French builders.

rebel 网络解释

1. rebel

1. 反叛:达菲在16年来一直不时地在舞台上出现,专辑包括:<反叛>>(Rebel)、<糖山>>(Sugar Hill),他们还在白宫进行过3次演出. 里克.斯卡格斯(Rick Skaggs)创作了受蓝草影响的乡村热门歌曲.

2. 反抗者:迷雾山脉 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬(Cerberus )、反抗者(Rebel)黑暗森林 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬、狼、黑豹(Leopard)、反抗者(Rebel)野蛮人村庄 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬、北欧狂战士(berserker)、反抗者(Rebel)强盗营地 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬、土匪(Robber)、反抗者(Rebel)古代神庙 -梅杜莎

3. 反抗:事情会否生, 其实也关乎潜意识, 若一个人当初结婚只是为得到社会地位或安全感, 到这流年发生时,他或是伴侣便会展现木星反抗(rebel)的一面,一直压抑收藏的负面感觉便会浮现,双方都要承受痛苦.

rebel 词典解释

The noun is pronounced /''rebəl/. The verb is pronounced /rɪ''bel/. 名词读作/''rebəl/。动词读作/rɪ''bel/。

1. 叛军;反叛者;叛乱者
    Rebels are people who are fighting against their own country''s army in order to change the political system there.

    e.g. ...fighting between rebels and government forces.
    e.g. ...rebel forces in Liberia.

2. (政党内部的)持不同政见者,反对派
    Politicians who oppose some of their own party''s policies can be referred to as rebels.

    e.g. The rebels want another 1% cut in interest rates.
    e.g. ...rebel MPs.

3. (政见不同者)反抗,反对
    If politicians rebel against one of their own party''s policies, they show that they oppose it.

    e.g. More than forty Conservative MPs rebelled against the government and voted against the bill.
    e.g. ...MPs planning to rebel over the proposed welfare cuts...

4. 叛逆者;不循规蹈矩的人
    You can say that someone is a rebel if you think that they behave differently from other people and have rejected the values of society or of their parents.


    e.g. She had been a rebel at school.

5. 表现叛逆;不守规矩
    When someone rebels, they start to behave differently from other people and reject the values of society or of their parents.

    e.g. The child who rebels is unlikely to be overlooked...
    e.g. I was very young and rebelling against everything.

rebel 英英释义


1. a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)

    Synonym: insurgentinsurrectionistfreedom fighter

2. someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action

    Synonym: maverick



1. take part in a rebellion
    renounce a former allegiance

    Synonym: ariseriserise up

2. break with established customs

    Synonym: renegade

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