

realised 双语例句

1. However, I realised that in some situations it was absolutely necessary to include windows.

2. realised在线翻译

2. But since I grew to manhood, I have for some unknown reason become calmer, though I realised my awful characteristic more fully every year.

3. I have realised that dream now and I am here in this marvelous place alongside great players and a great Spanish striker such as Butragueno. Haven''t the words to describe the emotion I am feeling.

4. realised

4. Being out of work, and affording two kids, the couple realised it was impossible to scrape a living.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. A director may hold any other office or place of profit under the Company(other than the office of Auditor), and he or any firm of which he is a member may act in a professional capacity for the Company in conjunction with his office of Director, for such period and on such terms(as to remuneration and otherwise)as the Directors may determine. No Dector or intended Director shall be disqulified by his office from contracting with the Company, nor shall any contract or arrangement entered into by or on behalf of the Company with any Director or any firm or company in which any director in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company for any profit, remuneration or other benefits realised by any such contact or arrangement by reason only of such Director holding that office, or of any fiduciary relationship thereby established.

6. realised的解释

6. I couldn`t believe that the ref, who was so near, hadn`t realised that.

7. Finally Tried!The 1st Time I heard about this shop was from yimtsimyan, I kinda remembered it distinctly as it was one of the very few shops she gives a big smiling face to - so it must have been at least quite impressive! Thanks to 辣子 below, I finally realised they had opened a new shop here. The shop reminds me a bit of il bel Paese or Saporito, or another shop also in...

8. And when I realised I couldn''t put out the fire, I ran.

9. As I gratefully wolfed down the food I realised that I had not eaten anything hot and substantial since my last dinner in Lhasa.

10. realised的翻译

10. Recent evidence suggests that they are closer to lemurs than was realised even by those responsible for the misnomer.

11. realised在线翻译

11. However Daniel Bell, an expert on Confucianism, said it would be interesting to see how the film portrayed the thinker''s travels between different ancient Chinese states to persuade rulers to adopt his teachings, a goal that was not realised in his lifetime.

12. realised

12. The device of committing the collection of the revenue to middlemen, the publicans, who p46 realised profits altogether disproportionate to their services, was superseded partly by the direct collection of the taxes by Imperial officials, partly through the agency of the local magistracies of the towns.

13. realised的意思

13. However, its body is not so hard as the stony silkworm. A genetic study showed that new stony represents an autosomal recessive mutation gene, whose expression is realised in the presence of ps gene of the 2nd linkage group and not in +p or p.


14. A specialist at Manchester Royal Infirmary realised she was suffering from cerebella atrophy, a degenerative disease similar to motor neurone disease; for which there is no treatment.


15. I suddenly realised that it''s a long time that I haven''t written in English.

16. 公共查询·英语单词大全

16. I think that the team, bit by bit, has realised that we can beat any rival, and that looking to next season this is going to be very important, because it is going to give us the force to win more away, that is what we have needed this year to fight for the title.

17. You`ve just graduated from university, or college and you want to get a job as a web developer/web designer, but it turns out it`s much harder than you realised. So how do you get that first job as a web developer?

18. Both realised that the last race could have been run much better.

19. The tortoise did some thinking this time, and realised that there''s no way he can beat the hare in a race the way it was currently formatted.

20. I realised the cities are very up to international standards...I could see English signages everywhere i went and for people who dont understand chinese, it''s really a great help!

realised 单语例句

1. But her joy soon turned to horror when she realised the figurine showed off parts of her body she would rather keep private.

2. " We realised it was a hijack when we saw the police trucks, " she said.

3. When he realised the hostel was dealing in prostitution he turned to walk away.

4. Fergie quickly realised her husband Josh Duhamel was''The One''.

5. She said tennis had consumed her life since she was a child, until she realised she has lost the joy of playing and needed a break.

6. But Davis quickly realised alcohol would not cure her of her lack of confidence.

7. It was only when Amanda picked out Maya June, that she realised it just wasn''t suitable.

8. I realised how paranoid and guarded and not trusting I had become.

9. After my last putt I realised my dad''s never going to see this again.

10. Finally I realised that it was not the putter but the stroke.

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