1. rationality
1. 有理性:国策要有理性(rationality)和远见(vision)吧. 缺乏理性的讨论. 还嫌地球不够挤?一个人好好活着(开车,住别墅)要消耗多少吨钢铁和水? GDP和人口不能无限增长,违背规律和生态平衡是要遭上帝惩罚的,包括战争,饥荒,疾病.
1. the quality of being consistent with or based on logic
Synonym: rationalness
2. the state of having good sense and sound judgment
e.g. his rationality may have been impaired
he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions
Synonym: reasonreasonableness