名词正式批准,认可; 承认
1. 批准:2.批准(RATIFICATION)一词的定义由于避免了若干条文中重复使用批准、接受、认可等词,有利于公约附约的草拟,然而应当理解个别国家国内法关于国家负责当局,对国际文件作出愿意接受的决定前,应遵照一定条件的规定仍应适用.
2. 追认:(1)如果财产已经被使用且使得财产的性质状况已经改变,双方当事人都不可能恢复到原来的法律地位;(2)第三人根据合同已经对财产以质押或其它方式在付出对价后取得了权利;(3)公司已经同意并追认(ratification)了这一交易;(4)从发起人处购买的财产已被公司售出;
3. 认可:ratification 批准 | ratification 认可 | ratifier 批准者
1. 批准;认可
The ratification of a treaty or written agreement is the process of ratifying it.
e.g. The EU will now complete ratification of the treaty by June 1.
1. making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it
e.g. the ratification of the treaty
confirmation of the appointment
Synonym: confirmation