
rate [reɪt]  [ret] 


rate 基本解释

名词速度; 比率; 等级; (利息等的)费率

及物动词估价; 值得; 责骂; 定级


不及物动词被评价; 被认为; 被列入; 申斥

rate 相关词组

1. at this rate : 这样的话;

2. at any rate : 无论如何, 至少;

rate 相关例句


1. rate

1. He often rates his subordinates.

2. rate是什么意思

2. That joke didn''t rate a laugh.


1. danci.911cha.com

1. Hong Kong rates as one of the biggest trade centers in the world.


1. The room rates at this motel range from $30 to $50 per day.

2. The rate of inflation decreased to 10% last year.

rate 情景对话


B:How do you rate yourself as a professional?
      你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢 ?


A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent./With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well.
      凭借我 良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。/依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。


A:Can you change American dollars into French Francs?


B:Yes. How much do you want?

A:Fifty dollars. What is the exchange rate today?
      只换50 美元。今天的汇率多少?

B:One dollar to five Francs. Is that all right?
      1 美元对5 法郎。可以吗?


A:Yes, please. And you can cash my traveler’s check, can’t you?

B:Of course, we can.

A:I want to be here tomorrow. What is your business hour?


B:10 o’clock in the morning to 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
      上午10 点至下午2 点。

A:Thank you.

B:Not at all.


A:May I help you, sir?


B:I'd like to cash some traveller's checks here.

A:Certainly. Do you have any identification?


B:Yes, I have my Passport. Here it is.

A:Fine. How much would you like to exchange, sir?

B:What's the exchange rate today?

A:A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan.


B:Five hundred dollars, please. And could you give me ten dollar in small change?

A:Here you go, sir.

B:Will it take long?

A:No. Please endorse the check at the back.


rate 网络解释

1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. 比率:相对数包括比例(ratio)、百分数(percentage)、比率(rate)以及指数(index)等衍生量形式. 比例是表现两个观测变量相互关系的量,其值可用分数或小数表示,如粮油价格比、收入支出比、土壤中的锌钢含量比、锗错含量比等都是常用的比例变量.

2. 速率:只是将XWindow的屏幕输出显示在用户的屏幕上.客户机的输入和输出系统跟X服务器之间的通信都是遵守X协议的.在这个文件中有这样几个概念:段(Section)和子段(Subsection).每个段或子段分别给出了不同的参数,格式分别为:AutoRepeat 500 5 # 指定延迟 (delay) 和 速率 (rate)本文档的发布遵循DGPL,

3. 频率:声音参数包括声音记录的位数(Size)和频率(Rate),可分别选择其值,其值的不同表现在声音与图像质量之间的不同. 如果记录比较多的图像信息,尽量选择8 bit,8000 Sampl es per sed. 也可根据实际情况选择.


4. 变化率:变化率报警计算公式如下:(测量值的当前值 - 测量值上一次的值)/(这一次产生测量值的时间 - 上一次产生测量值的时间)取其整数部分的绝对值做为结果,若计算结果大于变化率(RATE)设定值,则发出报警.

5. rate:remote automatic telemetry equipment; 自动遥测设备

6. rate:resources allocation efficiency; 效率

7. rate:remote area teacher education; 边缘地区师范教育计划

8. rate

8. rate:relation of time-effect; 时效

9. rate的翻译

9. rate:rfsr; 无复发生存率

rate 词典解释

1. 速度;速率
    The rate at which something happens is the speed with which it happens.


    e.g. The rate at which hair grows can be agonisingly slow...
    e.g. The world''s tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.

2. 比率;频率
    The rate at which something happens is the number of times it happens over a period of time.


    e.g. New diet books appear at a rate of nearly one a week...
    e.g. His heart rate was 30 beats per minute slower...

3. 价格;费用
    A rate is the amount of money that is charged for goods or services.


    e.g. Calls cost 36p per minute cheap rate and 48p at all other times.
    e.g. ...specially reduced rates for travellers using Gatwick Airport...

4. 税率;利率
    The rate of taxation or interest is the amount of tax or interest that needs to be paid. It is expressed as a percentage of the amount that is earned, gained as profit, or borrowed.

    e.g. The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts.

5. (英国)地方税,不动产税,房地产税
    In Britain, the rates were a local tax which you paid if you owned property or if you rented property without furniture.

    e.g. Soldiers were exempt from paying rates...
    e.g. The new council tax combines elements of both the community charge and the rates.

6. 评价;评级;评定
    If you rate someone or something as good or bad, you consider them to be good or bad. You can also say that someone or something rates as good or bad.


    e.g. Of all the men in the survey, they rate themselves the least fun-loving and the most responsible...
    e.g. The film was rated excellent by 90 per cent of children...

7. 看好;瞧得上
    If you rate someone or something, you think that they are good.

    e.g. It''s flattering to know that other clubs have shown interest and seem to rate me...
    e.g. Its artistic value failed to move Paddy Clegg. ''I don''t know what all the fuss is about. I didn''t rate it at all,'' he said.

8. 把…评为;把…认定为;把…列为
    If someone or something is rated at a particular position or rank, they are calculated or considered to be in that position on a list.

    e.g. He is generally rated Italy''s No. 3 industrialist...
    e.g. He came here rated 100th on the tennis computer.

9. 值得;应该得到
    If you say that someone or something rates a particular reaction, you mean that this is the reaction you consider to be appropriate.

    e.g. This is so extraordinary, it rates a medal and a phone call from the President...
    e.g. In those crowded streets her attire did not rate a second glance.

10. see also: rating

11. 至少
      You use at any rate to indicate that what you have just said might be incorrect or unclear in some way, and that you are now being more precise.

      e.g. She modestly suggests that ''sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference''...
      e.g. He is the least appealing character, to me at any rate.

12. 不管怎样,无论如何(表示现在所说的话更为重要、而非之前所言)
      You use at any rate to indicate that the important thing is what you are saying now, and not what was said before.

      e.g. At any rate, Pankin said that relations between the two nations will be restored before the conference...
      e.g. Well, at any rate, let me thank you for all you did.

13. 这样下去;长此以往;如此一来
      If you say that at this rate something bad or extreme will happen, you mean that it will happen if things continue to develop as they have been doing.

      e.g. At this rate, she would be almost seven feet tall by then...
      e.g. At this rate they''d be lucky to get home before eight-thirty or nine.

rate 英英释义



1. the relative speed of progress or change

    e.g. he lived at a fast pace
           he works at a great rate
           the pace of events accelerated

    Synonym: pace

2. amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis

    e.g. a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5

    Synonym: charge per unit

3. a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure

    e.g. the literacy rate
           the retention rate
           the dropout rate

4. a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit

    e.g. they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour
           the rate of change was faster than expected



1. assign a rank or rating to

    e.g. how would you rank these students?
           The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide

    Synonym: rankrangeordergradeplace

2. estimate the value of

    e.g. How would you rate his chances to become President?
           Gold was rated highly among the Romans

    Synonym: value

3. be worthy of or have a certain rating

    e.g. This bond rates highly

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