1. 弓星:Aion 永恒之塔之 弓星(Ranger)完全篇Aion 永恒之塔之 弓星(Ranger)完全篇一、 职业介绍1.自身特点擅长使用弓系武器远距攻击,也可使用匕首辅助近身战,或是使用陷阱扰乱敌人,因此灵活变换打法是弓注重的游戏方式.
1. 护林员;公园看管人
A ranger is a person whose job is to look after a forest or large park.
e.g. Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
1. a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids
Synonym: commando
2. an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest
Synonym: fire wardenforest fire fighter